Chapter 11: A Broken Heart

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The next day, I decided to spend all of my time with Lexy. I didn't want anything to change between the two of us. I hoped that she didn't hate me. I still felt like the worst best friend ever... I mean, what kind of best friend falls in love with their best friend's crush ..or something.

I guess it's the people like me, but it's not like I planned it.

*sigh* love's a bitch.

I planned the day so perfectly in my head. Nothing was going to make this day bad. I excitedly headed for Lexy's room. Once I got to her room, I knocked on her door like a boss.

No anwer.

Oh gosh, is she mad?

I tried knocking one more time.

"Lex.... You there?"

Still no answer.

I turned the door knob... It was open. I went inside her room, and she wasn't in it.

"Well...Lexy strangely left early." I said to myself.

I went to the beach and tried to check if Lexy was there. A lot of people were hanging out in the beach. It was quite the challenge to locate Lexy. I was about to leave and check the restaurant. Maybe she was already having breakfast. I turned toward the restaurant and started to walk, but I stopped when I notcied a familiar dress. It was Lexy, she was wearing the dress I had given to her last summer. At least now I know she ain't mad at me. I walked toward her. She was sort of squatting and doodling on the sand. I squatted beside her. I was about to talk, but I didn't. I stayed quiet for some time and just watched her doodle away. She was quiet as well. I wasn't sure if she even wanted me around.... Maybe she wanted this time for herself. I looked at her and she was still concentrating on her doodle. I was going to talk, but then Lexy beat me to it.

"...And done. Vioala!" She said with a lot of enthusiasm. She stood up and signaled me to do the same.

I did what she asked, and as I stood up, I started to clearly picture out what she was drawing.

It was three people. A couple and one girl. The couple were walking in front of the girl, and they were holding hands. The girl was left behind them; she looked sad as she stared at the couple.

It was clear to me what the doodle meant. I felt horrible. I was about to talk, but then a wave came and it hit the girl that was left behind in the doodle... Soon it was just gone, and all that was left in her place was sand, and now the doodle was only of a couple.

My heart felt like it was literally going to fail me.

"Lexy... I'm so sorry." I said.

Lexy looked at me all confused."Sorry? For what?... For falling in love? Kip, don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault."

"But Lex, you're clearly upset about this."

"Sadness isn't forever. John and I just weren't meant to be and I just have to accept that. I just don't know if I can take watching you two together, it breaks my heart and I feel like I'm being washed away by a wave... Every single time."

"That's going to be a really hard thing Lex... John and I are going to be hanging out a lot now and I really wish that you could just be there for me."

"I am Kip... Or at least I will be... Just not now okay?"

I understood how Lexy felt.

"You're right... I guess the three of us ain't hanging out anytime sooner." I said, feeling really sad.

Lexy looked heartbroken and she nodded. "I'm really sorry Kip."

"Well, I have no plans with John today... I was actually going to hang out with you... Just the two of us."

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