Chapter 7: Moonlight

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John took a deep breath and he

began to talk.

"Kip, I-" he hesitates but continues anyway, "I really need to tell you something."

I didn't like where this was going.

"In NYC, I met someone. She was amazing and she's..."

"She's here. She's Lex." I finish his sentence for him.

He looked at me in disbelief. "You know her?"

"Do I know her? John, she's my best friend."

He was so shocked. I remained silent. I wanted to give him some time to take everything in.

He began to talk.

"I really liked her back then, and now that she's here my feelings for her are coming back...."

Yeah... But why the fuck am I here? Why would he think I'd care?

"Is that all? Did you really just drag me all the way out here to tell me that you like someone?"

"I brought you here because I wanted to know how you felt about it"

"Why? ..Why would my feelings matter to you?"

"Because I care about you Kip! You matter to me, and I don't want to hurt your feelings."

Wow. This guy's so confident that I like him... And so confusing.

"John seriously. We don't know each other that well. If it's a permission you need then don't go looking for it from me. You're a big boy. Make your own decisions."

I had enough of his games. I was done. I didn't want to be a part of any of his crap. All I really wanted was to enjoy my summer. I wasn't looking for love. I was about to walk away, but then John grabbed my freakin' arm.


I looked at him, and I could see pain in his eyes. The same eyes that used to glisten in the sunlight, now they were just pain under the moonlight.

It broke my heart.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I didn't ask for this.

"Why won't you tell me how you feel? .... And I mean how you really feel about me.. About us?" He asked.

I looked at him and I decided to give him the truth.

"Look John, I'll be honest with you. I do like you, and yes, I've felt a little spark between us from time to time, but the possibility of an 'Us' is very unlikely to happen. You like someone else right? Well she also happens to be my best friend, and I don't think it's wise to like two people at the same time."

John held my hands and he laughed.

I was beginning to think he was crazy.

"Kip, I don't like Lexy.", He said.

I looked at him worriedly. "Do you have Alzheimers or something? You just told me a minute ago that you did."

He shook his head. "You don't get it do you? I saw the way you looked at Jim tonight, I just wanted to see how you'd react knowing that I was starting to like someone else. I really wanted to know how you felt about me."


"I just wanted to make sure that you liked me and not Jim, because I've had cases like that. Liking a girl then she ends up with him. I wanted to know if the feeling was mutual between you and me."

This guy had a weird way of getting the truth. "So you were trying to do some psychological test on me?", I asked, sounding pretty mad.

"Sort of. I know that you're mad at me for doing what I did, but I'm still really happy that you like me."

He hugged me, and for a moment I actually felt that everything was perfect. The moonlight gave a different glow that night.

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