The trip to gotham

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Ok do before I get into the book I want to say the idea for the story belongs to Tanjanette  and the characters don't belong to me they are from there own companies Tomas austruk(sorry I don't know how to spell that) and the dc universe. Also sorry for my terrible spelling. Also that I did change a lot from tanjanette's original idea. But it was a super great idea I'm so glad to be doing this.

Damian Dupain-Cheng is a bakers son who is kind but still very cautious because of his so called friends that betrayed him for a lier. The lier stook to there word and took all of his friends and bullyed him all day, his only friend is Chloe his childhood bully but now his best friend she apologized after realizing what she did the whole class just turned away but he forgave her after that they became best friends and basically siblings. He has a secret though he is red beetle, a super hero who protects Paris and recently defeated hawkmoth and had to take his partner's miraculous away because he had turned evil he never forgave Adrian and never will.
Damin pov
Chloe and I were sitting at the back of the class when miss bustier started an announcement, "students we won the trip to Gotham city in two days for a tour and to learn at Gotham academy.!So start packing". The class erupted in cheers and Leo (just a boy version of Lila for the story) started spouting out more lies,
"Oh I bet my Mari-boo has her father set this up for me. My bae is so sweet." He yelled out. The class instantly believed him and were in awe. Me and Chloe just rolled our eyes. After school we ended we headed out for patrol, she is stinger and holds the bee meraculos, and knows my identity. Chloe insisted on buying our outfits eventually I gave in but made sure she didn't spent to much money on me.
Time skip two days

Everyone boarded the plane of course me and Chloe sat in the back so no one would bother us. Then fell asleep.

Hi so this is a mini book I really wanted to try and thanks to Tanjanette  who is an amazing writer she has so any awesome books you should check out including a daminette suggestion book that has amazing ideas that led to this book.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now