Grand day at the garden

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Hey I'm not dead yay.(I'm kidding of course I just mean I have been gone for a while.) sorry about this huge wait, school has taken up so much of my time, and it's kind of hard to get used to our schedule. Hope you like it.

Mari POV
I am actually feeling less angry today, I sadly have to go with the class to the gardens. but im going to the gardens none the less the plants and animals make me calm, I'll probubly ditch the class as soon as grayson starts his speech

Damian POV
Uuuggg the sun is so stupid, why does it have to be so bright. I get out of bed and see a smirking Chloe but not just her regular one more of a I know something smirk. I just can't think of why. "So getting friendly with two girls now are we?" Oh, that's why.
"I'm not chloe."
Well why were you so red and frozen yesterday?"
"Well, Robin sort of said my name. Not red beetle, she knows I'm damian."
"Oh that is serious."
Oh well I'm excited to head to the gardens I love animals one day I want to own a whole bunch of them.

Chloe POV
I wonder how robin knows who damian is. I'm also excited to meet Barbras brother figure. I still can't forget her beautiful red hair, and smile. I just noticed we're already on the bus.
"Hey Chloe." Ugh I recognize the voice that came from behind me.
"What do you want Leo." I say not really asking.
"why dont you just ditch damian already, you know im way better than the bakers son. plus I can get you whatever you want." His stupid flurting is so gross.
"well for one you know I'm gay, and for another I would never willingly chosse to be anywhere near you." I get up and I'm about to go to another seat but what he says stops me in my tracks.
" would you just stop it with that fake lesbian stuff, we both know your not." I almost just stabed him but i settled with a hard slap.

3rd person POV
chloe scoffed and walked away, leaving leo to hold his cheek crowching in pain in his seat. once they arived to the gardens damian and a very upset chloe got off the bus first, with the rest of the class slowly funniling out after. not long after did marinette and there tour guide dick apear, with chloe and damian imediatly walking twords mari, barbra, and two men.
"hey mari, and barbra who is this." damian said ponting to the two men.
"hello dami, ah where are my maners this is tim, and his boyfriend conner(super boy from young justice). queenie, may I ask why leo has a hand mark on his face?" after everyone said hi to tim and conner chloe spoke.
"he kept trying to get me to say i like him even though he knows i'm lesbian, and said i was faking being gay. so insted of stabing him i slapped him."
"I know it was so awsome, I was trying to help but before I could he was already crowching shrivling. It was great." damian stated. everyone in that group both glared at leo, and smiled and said they were proud of chloe. while tim, damian, and mari noticed a cirtan barbra look at chloe with love in her eyes, well admeration she could'nt say she was in love already.

Mari POV
we walk in the gates, prepared to meet the keeper of the gardens. I look in and I see... Aunt Ivy! I calmly walk over and tap her sholder. she turns around and exclames " Marinette!" and hugs me tightly much to my displesure. I look over to see my group of "friends" I gess you can call them with shooked looks on there faces.

I know it was a bit short, honestly I wanted to do more but I really had to post this cause finnaly im updating which is awsome I finnally got some insperation.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now