Its hero time!

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So sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been moving so I don't have as much time but I will still update when I can.

Dami POV
It feels so good to be free again almost flying on the rooftops. Both me and queeni stop on a roof and see robin and Red Robin patroling, we hop down behind them. Chloe says "can we join you?" The both whip around to face us and go into an attack stance.
"Guys were not villains, were Parises hero's. I'm red beetle, this is stinger." I say as I gesture to Chloe. "So can we join you?" The looked sckeptical but it looked like they were talking to someone and they nodded and said...

3rd person POV
"Sure!" Red Robin states "I can take stinger, Robin take red beetle. I think demon spawn could use a different partner." (Just don't kill him) Tim thought in his head, And before robin could answer Tim dragged stinger away.

Oh thank god that they came I thought mari was going to stab me. Not going to lie having a different patrol partner will be nice but got to double check that they are fighting for good. "Alright stinger, I patrol the west side of town with Robin usually but sense there are now two groups we can separate to the first half of the west. Oh and by the way here's a com if you ever need our help." I hand a small com over to her. We start patrol and I see robin and red beetle jump away, hope they do well. As for stinger I think we may be good friends.

Robin/Mari POV
Me and Tim were on patrol but some people were following,but jumped down. I immediately got ready to kick some butt but turns out they are parises hero's or whatever. But Tim decided to take this chance to ditch me with bug boy. Oh well gess were patrolling together.
"Yo bug boy we're taking the 2nd half of the west side, don't slow me down." I noticed his mask is open basically you can see his eyes and I'm guessing that nothing but the clothes change. Only an idiot wouldn't be able to recognize them. I roll my eyes and we jump off.

Chloe POV
Gess Im glad I went on patrol but I'm sad I couldn't spend it with Damian, best friends got to talk sometimes oh well. I gess I was so lost in thought I kind of missed Tim talking.
"I'm sorry what was that Tim."
"Oh it's alright I was just saying we finished patrol, want to talk for a while?" Gess I should wait for dami.
"Didn't pin Red Robin as a chatty person, but sure."

Dami POV
Half way through patrol we found a girl lost in the city I was so surprised how kind and compassionate robin was with her from what I had seen so far from how she treats people she is super sarcastic I gess unless it's me but I gess it's just an act for her to be mean. She got the girl home. We continued and nothing else happened. We met up with Red Robin and Chloe. Red Robin left and Chloe stared to leave and Robin grabbed my arm and started talking.
"You were tolerable I suppose."
"Wow gee thanks."
"Sorry nice is not my strong side but I think I'm trying to say thanks you made patrol nice." She kissed my cheek. "Bye Damian." At that i froze. Did she just say Damian. How. What. I'm so confused. Chloe had to drag me to the hotel.

I am so very honored you like this book and so many people have voted on it. I am so glad to be writing this. As promised i did update today but I am so sorry for these bad updates again but I swear I will get better once we're fully moved and when school starts. As always have a super lovely day/night and just overall week.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now