So a little birdie told me

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Sorry it's so short I'm doing what I can.

Chloe POV
Me and Red Robin we're sitting on a roof above the city. "Ya know Red Robin is way too long and it sounds like the restaurant so I'm calling you red."
"Uh ok I gess."
"So red, what's it like living in Gotham?"
"Not bad you get used to the crime I gess but it is great when you get past it. This job is the best i never get tiered of it they view up hear is awesome and so quiet. Ya know yellow?"
"Ya I do wait yellow!?" How dare he I gess it's not to bad but still.
"Ya I mean if I'm red your yellow, that is if your ok with it." I sigh, he seems nice so why not.
"Ya that's ok, it's only fair anyway."

She is pretty and nice but definitely has some walls. I bet Barbra will like her. I noticed some figures hoping on the roof gess Mari and red beetle are back. I say goodbye and get up to head home. Mari hops over to me an chuckled. I looked at her confused and shrugged like she would ever tell me anything. I noticed her smile and red cheeks and I almost tripped of the side of the building, then ran to catch up with her.

Chloe POV
Red gets up and meets mari. I have to stop from laughing too hard when he almost trips of the building, his face was priceless. I look back to find dami shut down with a red face. He won't snap out of it so I drag him back to the hotel. I'm so glad I can finally sleep but I'm super excited for the tour of the gardens tomorrow and especially that Barbras coming she said her brother figure was coming tomorrow too.

Little did anyone know there was a surprising friendship between the garden keeper and a student. Then what will happen when Chloe meets Barbras brother figure?

Hey all, so if you are reading this part in which most people skip.(I sometimes do too.) but I did want to let you know if you ever noticed a spelling error or grammar or something else or any other things feel free to let me know, constructive criticism is always welcome and encouraged. I do prof read but my eyes miss things, as well as I am writing this on my phone not a computer. Also I am so sorry for not updating for a while I have been so busy but I will try to be better. Have a wonderful day or night.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now