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Marinette pov
"Ohh marriii." A voice yelled in my ear.
"What do you want Grayson?"
"Dad said your coming with me to greet the class cause you are a student rep at Gotham academy." I frowned but got up and shoved him out of my room. I put on my Gotham academy uniform on and put my hair in braids. I walked out and grabbed some breakfast me and Grayson were walking out when I heard "remember pixi pop don't kill anyone" "whatever Todd" I replyed then Alfred spoke "mistress Marinette do refrain from killing anyone." I sighed but answered "yes grandpa Alfred" he is the only other person I trust in this house and I'm not about to be mean to him.we hop into the car and drive off.
Once we arrive we hop out to see the class and introduce brother goes first, "hello I am dick Grayson I will be your tour guide."
" I am Mari I am the class representative of Gotham academy" I don't pay much attention as this class does not interest me. Until I hear a voice. "Uh hello Im Damian the class president." I look up to meet Damians eyes, they are beautiful pools of green almost emerald orbs. I quickly pull myself back together.
"Ah you are the one who called this city inspiring, a pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too mari."
He headed back to the girl he was standing next too before but only now have I noticed that most of this class is glaring at the two, wonder what that's about. Some other boy walks up to me and gets a little too close. "Hi I'm Leo" his voice sounds so fake I roll my eyes and walk away, I catch a glimpse of Damian and that girl snickering, I think babs will like her a lot got to introduce them sometime. I smirk to myself as I walk to the car.

Hey so I wanted to say I am actually liking it so far but I do want to mention It could sometimes take me a bit to update cause I'm moving soon so I have to pack and I'm working on another story but I think this one is my main story cause I have more ideas but I really hope you like this story and how it turns out.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now