Day one of touring

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Dami POV
The girl Mari I think had her head down a bit so I introduced myself but as soon as she looked up at me I lost all focus except for on her eyes they were a crystal blue that reminded me of the ocean or lapis. I snapped back to reality when she said somthing it sounded like
I pieced it together and replyed
"Nice to meet you too mari" I walked back to Chloe and she gave me a knowing look and chuckled a bit. The class was giving us death glares as per usual when Leo decided to walk to mari she looked a bit uncomfortable and pretty pissed. He introduced himself but the most priceless moment was his face when she just rolled her eyes and walked away, pppftt he was so confused. Me and Chloe laughed but stoped to listen to our tour guide, me Grayson was great he was funny too he made jokes on our way to the hotel and showed us cool stuff on the way once we got our rooms me and Chloe sat on our beds and watched tv. I'm so glad mrs mindelave (sorry can't spell) came with cause she understood us and let me and Chloe share a room at least she doesn't believe Leo's lies. I hear a tap on the window and go to investigate. I open the window and I was met with a domino mask I jump back but the figure just flips down from the roof the the balcony. "Robin?"

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now