Whats this school even like?

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Ok before I start I have to mention Barbra is Damians age for the story purposes, but she is still in a wheelchair.Please no hate it just worked better for the story.

Dami POV
Once we arrive we go through a gate onto the school grounds, man this school is fancy. I can tell the class is in awe. "Hello class" oh, it's our tour guide.
"Grayson." Mari said, it seems like they have seen echother a lot before. Anyway we were on the tour of the school and given schedules for later this week when we will do a day to see how the classes work. Every time mari was walking with us the students stayed far away or looked terrified. Well until one went up to her well technically she weeled over, Mari looked annoyed but walked over with her. "This is Barbra, she is the most tolerable in this school but she is quite energetic. Barbra these are the people I told you about." Mari seemed cold and distant almost like the feeling of ice, there wasn't any emotion in her eyes. I mean when we met her she didn't really have much emotion her smiles were often strained but now there is nothing it's weird. Is it weird I still think she looks cute and beautiful? Not as beautiful as when she shows emotion but still.
"Hi I'm Barbra nice to meet you two."
Chloe and I said hi and shook her hand. I looked over and noticed Chloe staring at Barbra, oh I am so getting back at her for teasing me. I also noticed that mari noticed it as well.

Barbra POV
I was talking to someone in the halls and when I looked over they vanished, ah that means mari is here. I turned my wheelchair around and went over to her. "Hey ice queen what's up?"
"Ok first stop calling me that, but second I wanted to introduce you to my new friends." Ok Im really shocked she actually called someone her friend, I'm technically her friend but she prefers 'tolerable person'
"Wow, I'm impressed ice queen lead the way." She gives me an annoyed look and scoffs but walks towards some people. Wow the blond one is cute. She introduced me too them and I said hi. The boy spoke first.
"Hi I'm Damian, this is..." the blonde seemed to snap back to reality after he elbowed her.
"Oh sorry I'm Chloe." Her voice was beautiful. They offered for me to join the rest of the tour so I said yes.

3rd person POV
The tour ended and they all said there goodbyes. Once Damian got to the hotel he sat down Chloe did the same.he noticed Chloe blush but decided not to tease her too much.
"Hey, do you want to go on a patrol tonight queeni?"damian asked.
"Sure bug boy."  "Pollen buzz on!" And with that a yellow figure flew out the window and a faint "alright, tiki spots on!" Was heard And with that the two hero's were off.

Hey sorry it's a bit short but I really wanted to update I may only do a few more chapters however long they may be but as always questions and comments are always welcome so have a great night/morning or just day in general thanks for all your awesome support.

Damin Dupain-Cheng and Mari wayne. (Cover by tanjanette)Where stories live. Discover now