Chapter 2 || Another World

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(Y/n)'s POV

I keep wriggling my arms and legs as I struggle underwater. I squinted my eyes when I saw silhouette's on the far shore. I thought they were going to help me but all I heard was laughter of mocker.

"Look, (y/n)'s drowning. Good for her!"

"Her death won't change anything anyways, even if she's alive she's still worthless."

"(Y/n) deserves to die."

They continued to laugh at me as I was drowning. I couldn't hold my breath any longer and I felt my vision getting blurry. me!!


I quickly opened my eyes and felt my heart beat faster. I sat up and placed a hand on my aching head.

"What a strange dream." I said to myself as I rubbed my eyes. Just then, I suddenly noticed I'm not inside the room. Instead, I found myself sitting under a huge tree.

Oh right, I remembered I was chasing a crow. But why am I here? Does that mean I slept here?

I stood up and removed the dust off my clothes. I looked at the tree, confused on why its appearance changed. As far as I remember, the tree has glowing blue leaves. But now, it just looks like a regular tree.

Maybe I really was just hallucinating a while ago.

"Now where is that crow?" I mumbled as I looked around. A few minutes had passed and I still couldn't find the crow, neither could I find the way out of this forest.

Crap, I'm lost. I shouldn't have bothered following that damned crow in the first place.

I started walking around once more to find an exit. Finally, I saw a light between some trees. I walked towards its direction and my face was hit by bright sunlight. I used my hand to block the sunlight directly hitting me as I squinted my eyes to analyze the place.

Why is the place different? I remember this place having houses and a bridge that connects to the other neighborhood. Right, the same bridge to which I was about to jump off.

"Where I?" Confused, I took a step forward, not knowing I was at the edge of the ground. Before I could say anything, I already slipped on the slippery soil. I felt my butt slid on the ground as I fell.

And just as I thought things won't get any worse, I hit my head on a rock and eventually lost consciousness.


3rd POV

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