11 - Those Eyes

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“Kookie…  Are you sure?  Like absolutely sure about your feelings?”  I want to tell him everything about me.  Let him in.  But I have to be sure.  There is no going back.

He looked up at me, slowly, and nodded.

“I want to tell you more about me.  But… I had to be sure.  …  I like you too.  A lot.  And, I hope I can trust you, with all this.”  I pray to whatever Mer god is out there, that this doesn’t turn out to be a mistake.  Also, praying for my ass, because if my family finds out, i'm gonna get beat.

He cocked his head to the side a bit, and said, “Of course you can trust me.  I trust you too.”  He curled our little fingers around each other, and pushed our thumbs together, and smiled.  “Promise.”

Taking a deep breath, thinking about what I was about to do, I took a look around us, making sure there were no more people around, took my shirt off, and jumped into the water.


As I was mentally preparing for some big story he was about to tell me, but he suddenly jumped into the water.

“Tae!  What are you doing?!?”  He was still underwater.  I couldn’t see anything until his head bobbed up from the surface a few feet away from me.

“You trust me, right?”  he asked.

I nodded, looking at him, trying to figure out what he was on to.

“Jump in.  …  Don’t worry.  I’ll be here with you.”

Does he just want to swim, all of the sudden?  I took off my shoes, shirt, and just left the rest of my clothes on, and jumped in beside him.

I suddenly felt his hands on my waist, swimming back up to the surface with me.  Our heads coming up above the water, I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful pair of shimmering eyes looking back at me.

Those eyes…  I’ve seen those before… haven’t I?

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