𝔸𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕪

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"You little...what's with that face?" Kage's grey eye darted between the two, seeing sweat run down Izuku's face.

"What are you trying to do?" Sir asked, his gaze hard.

"Oh, well, um...!" Izuku stuttered.

"You committed this outrage knowing that I was All Might's former sidekick?" Kage moved to stand a few ways to the left of Izuku, as Nighteye approached the male.

"All Might's wrinkles are not like that." Sir stated, as began to pull at the greenette's face, examining it.

"In his normal face, the wrinkles around his eyes are 0.6cm long. From silver age on, they were 0.8 cm long. These days, even unlicensed merchandise specifies which "age" it's from. Do you not even know that?" Nighteye backed away from the male.

"This is very unpleasant. Please leave." He told the male, turning to walk away, however Izuku was not giving up.

"The vinegar riverbank incident..." This caused Sir to come to a stop, his back facing the male, "are you not aware of that?"

Kage raised an eyebrow in amusement at Izuku, 'he's questioning his knowledge on All Might, well that's brave...'

"A middle schooler whose Quirk could change water quality was drowning in a river, and All Might saved him." Izuku began to explain, "the drowning middle schooler changed the river into vinegar in his panic, and that got into All Might's eyes when he jumped in to save him. This is the face he showed at the interview right after that... His smile with narrowed eyes... I chose that face here!"

Kage blinked, having no idea that happended, he may be her uncle, but that doesn't mean she has to be a fan.

"Of course I know that." Sir replied, "it happened before I teamed up with him."

'Oh, so before I was saved...'

"They also mentioned it on the Yomiuri TV program, A Look Back."

"Yes, that one!" Izuku nodded, "there weren't any villains involved, and it's boring compared to his other work, so it's not really talked about on the fan sites, but I like it... I especially liked the witty response he gave after that boy thanked him..."

"...my skin feels ten years younger." Sir added.

"That's it! I loved the "my skin" part!"

"You..." The hero looked back, "were you testing me?"

"Oh no! It's just that because of All Might is a teacher at our school, it's hard to speak about him," Izuku shook his head in defense, as Sir approached him again.

"So I got too excited and couldn't help myself..." Nighteye pushed up his glasses.

"The crux of that incident was the family of that middle schooler."

"That's right!" Kage chose to ignore the two, walking over to Bubble Girl, after Mirio, "whether you know that or not makes a big difference in the weight of the words!"

Mirio unlatched Bubble's Girl's restraints, "Mirio...what's with that kid...?" The sidekick asked.

"He's one of my underclassmen."


Kage sighed, as she stood next to Izuku, in front of Nighteye's desk.

"So you want to do a work study here in order to become stronger?"

"Yes, sir! Please allow it!"

"You have a contract from the school--" Before he could finish Izuku was already reaching into his bag.

"Of course I brought it with me!"

"You will not interrupt me when I am speaking."

"No, sir!"

"Once my stamp is on that paper, the work study contract will become official."

"Yes, sir!"

"A hero work study is not like the weeklong internships of normal workplaces that you can participate in causally."

'There was nothing casual when it came to our internships.' Kage thought, remembering the Stain Incident.

"You must work here for at least a month, and of course you will be paid. As a first year who still has a lot of classes you will also rack up a lot of absences, and you will not be able to continue on this path on the same level as your classmates."

"I understand that! But...if I match my pace with everyone else, then I can't be the top!"

Nighteye raised the stamp, before bringing it down, however it did not land on the paper, but beside it.

"Um, you missed..." Once again Kage sighed, glancing out of the corner of her towards the male.

"Because I don't feel like stamping it." He causally stated, beginning to continuously bring the stamp down on the desk.


"I understand the merits of working here for you. But what merit is there in my employing of you?"

'I feel ignored...' Kage thought, as she boredly watched the exchange.

"With two sidekicks, and one work study student, with an added one, this agency runs smoothly, so to add you..."

'Added?' Kage looked at his desk, then to her work study contract, that had already been stamped, 'oh...'

"What benefit is there in that? How can you contribute to society? How can you be useful to others? In order to be acknowledged, you must make those things clear. All Might showed it with his power and humor. He gave hope to those who lived in fear of crime. That's why the people acknowledged him."

"How can I contribute to society...?" Nighteye stood from chair, pushing it behind him, the stamp still in his hand.

"In order to show how you can benefit my company, you should show it with your actions, not your words." He held up the stamp, "three minutes. Try and take this seal from me in three minutes or less. If you want to work as a hero under me, then stamp the seal yourself."


"I'm saying that even though you don't posses a single funny bone, I'm giving you a chance. Well. Don't you think I'm a nice guy?" Kage backed away from the two, ending up next to Mirio and Bubble Girl.

"Mirio, Bubble Girl, and Kage, you three go outside." Sir ordered.

"Oh, right." Mirio nodded.

"That's not very energetic."

With that the two stood straight, "yes, sir!" Kage stared at him boredly, before she turned and walked out, she was far too tired for this.

"Mirio, did you have a practical interview like that?" Bubble Girl asked the blond third year, as they left the room.

"Sir asked for me specifically, right? So I didn't..."

"He really likes you, huh? Man..."

"Aw, man! But not as much as Kage! He just stamped her paper, after requesting her!"

"I'm jealous, you know!"

Kage walked behind the two, stopping to look back, before giving a shrug and sighing. She turned following after the two, seeing Mirio do the same thing as she did.

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