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Author's note: Thank you, dear friends, on joining me on the restart of Athena's journey to become Queen of the Assassins and Templars. Here is the epilogue, please do enjoy.

Jerusalem, 1200

Nine years...it had been nine years since Athena came and changed all of their lives for the better. And in those nine years, Altair grew wiser, perhaps the apple gave some of what he knew, but he used it only when he had to do so. In those nine years, Altair married his soulmate Maria Thorpe, drove HYDRA completely out of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, Saladin passed away joining Alma's side. Richard and his Crusaders returned to their homelands, and Rowan of Cameron kept in touch and welcomed a son into the world. Allah too blessed Altair with two sons Darim and Saf. Darim who was 5, was well underway to becoming an Assassin, and Saf who was two was already an assassin in a way when the younger of the sons would hide somewhere within the castle and cause everyone to search for him.

Altair looked at Saladin's grave "I know Alma is smiling on us, there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of her or the heir she sent thundering our way. Rowland had a son, and named him after you." he said resting fresh Jasmine on the grave, "Saladin of Cameron, can you believe that old man?"

Altair closed his eyes "I know why you killed my father, and as much as it hurt at the time I understood why he died, I never blamed you for his death. He was used just as I had been by Al Muliam." he said, "Rest and be at peace for we will all meet again one day."


Jerusalem, December 2007,

Athena stood before the grave marker turned memorial to Saladin and laid a rose upon it "Thank you for all you did for me during the short time I knew you," she said softly, "I wish we could have spent more time together, but I am sure you and my mother along with Alma are watching over us."

A soft wind blew through her hair as a screech of a gold eagle sounded in the distance "I know that Altair is watching over us also, Malik will be proud of Kadar, who is an Elite Master Assassin and get assigned anywhere he wishes, and he chose Cameron Hall of all places." she said, "Farewell Saladin until we meet again. I have to rescue Altair's Novice of a descendent."


Wakanda, December 2007

When Kadar first arrived he was in awe of all around him, curious about how the world changed as well as the order. It didn't take long for him, much to his amusement that the loss of a finger being no longer a requirement was brought on by Altair and his brother voiced his opinions on the matter, but it was ultimately decided for the new 'Master' assassin's health that the loss of his ring finger was no longer needed, but his heart cried in agony when he discovered how his beloved older brother died. Abbas had betrayed them all including Athena and Altair's youngest son Saf, who the Kenway bloodline would be born from murder.

But the tradition of having a hidden child continued with his nephew Tazim Al-Sayf who was the spitting image of his brother Malik. Tazim rose quickly within the ranks of the Brotherhood serving as Malik did, up until Masyaf fell to the HYDRA lead Mongolian forces. HYDRA had served a major roll in the abandonment of his home, where it now laid deserted. His heart longed to see the day it was put back to its former glory.


Rome, Italy 2007

Desmond inwardly laughed as Warren Vidic looked at the footage in pure shock. Athena had gone into the past and discovered HYDRA was the reason for the war "This must never get out," Vidic said, "It could get us all killed."

"Trying to save yourself from getting sued?" he asked.

He saw the TV enough to know what had happened Athena's version of 'May it be' brought tears to even Vidic's eyes "A voice of an Angel who is a demon." Vidic huffed

"I think it was the other way around, I think Altair was her demon." he joked

"Mr. Miles!" Vidic exclaimed causing him only to laugh harder as he was hit with a tranquilizer.

Hell Desmond even got to see his soulmate, and she was a beautiful woman to be sure. That flame-red hair, and those emerald eyes, powerful legs, and thighs. Damn, he wanted to eat her up. Natasha Romanoff, when he did meet her he would get the shock of a lifetime.


Monteriggioni, Italy January 1st, 2008

Villa Auditore was near completion, and work on the hospital would soon begin. Athena unpacked a trunk of her family's journals from the period as well as a few others belonging to the Auditore family. She would do her research undisturbed in the sanctuary. She set up her cot near her research table and would get a few hours sleep due to jet lag before she would begin searching for Clues into HYDRA's whereabouts. While she was in the Sanctuary she laid roses at the feet of each of the statues. Though Aya lived, she still paid her respects in this way.

Kadar had come a long way from what she had heard from Kassandra, having bested the foundation of the present day Templars; Alexios, as well as the very first Assassins, Aya and Bayek. She was sure she would be seeing them soon enough while she, Sarah, Brandy, Milli, Cory, Mary, and Abigail who was escaping her father wanting to marry someone to stay out of the 'Family business' of hunting demons, which were in fact creations of Juno, the mad scientist of the Isu.

Not that she could blame Abigail for wanting to get away from her father John Winchester, who had been friends with the triplets mother. As she closed her eyes she saw the ghostly figure of Altair pick up the rose she had left at the foot of his statue "I will see you soon sister," he spoke before setting the rose down and vanishing from sight, but who was the one wearing the Italian Renaissance Assassin Robes, and the Colonial Brotherhood robes that remained by the statue?

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