Running out of time

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Author's Note: Athena and Cory return to Damascus and Arce to find the 4th and 5th witnesses and discover a threat that made itself known in the 1940s is a LOT older than what they appear to be. Buckle up the road to the final chapter starts now!


The Crimson Assassin and Cory planned to leave out early the next day before Altair woke from his slumber, The Crimson Assassin had arrived early looking more healthy than anything. Which to Malik was no surprise ever since he should up with Sting and Strike. Alma's deadly pets of a Scorpion and King Cobra who was in much happier spirits to be around him and Kadar. Cory did say, Cobras were highly intelligent for snakes, knowing who their handlers were from a young age if given the time to be around them. Though she wasn't Alma the deadly creatures showed as much love to The Crimson Assassin as they did Alma. Strike would nudge her hand so often and would get a chin rub.

The Crimson Assassin was just finishing packing when a pendant fell out into view. It was similar to his and his brother's pendants, but hers looked old, the insignia of the Brotherhood kept well over the years "My brother and I have similar pendants." he commented.

The Crimson Assassin looked at him then down "It was given to me the day before I turned 16, each of my sisters received a locket also. Each one representing where we come from." she said, "It belonged to my mother's mother before me, my Grandmother was from Syria and met my grandfather in a time of war. They were both soulmates." 

"Then your family must truly run deep on both sides," Malik said

"Yes, yes it does, but in many ways, I will always be an Assassin," she said.

Malik smiled softly at her "And yet you are to unite both sides again, that is a burden you can't achieve on your own." Malik finished

"No, I cannot," she agreed as she stood slinging her pack over her shoulder and headed for the door.


Cory knew trouble was brewing their trip to Damascus had been uneventful all that went to pot when they arrived. Cory activated her eagle vision and noted the difference in the templars that surrounded them "Crimson, Templars show up pure red for normal and Red with gold for Grand Masters or Master's correct?" she asked

"Yeah, I have noticed a difference as well," Athena replied, "You will stand down right now." 

"Why should we listen to a witch?" a Templar asked

"A witch you say?" she asked with a laugh, "Who thought of that one?"

"Abu'l Nuqoud doesn't wish to see the one in Crimson for fear of being bewitched by her like the others." another Templar said

"I am not a witch nor do I bewitch men, so stand aside before I let my birthrights do the talking for me," Athena said calmly, but the tone in which she had said it left no room for argument.

Athena's fingers each wrapped around one of the Founding Order weapons and removed them from their sheaths. Democlies sparked as Leonidas glowed red "Where did you get those artifacts?" a Templar demanded

"They are my birthright, marking me as the one to bring peace between orders, you will do well to remember that, now take us to Abu'l Nuqoud, or by the gods, I will send you to your Grand Master wishing you have done as I asked when Democlies burns you." Athena warned a second time daring anyone to argue with her 

"What is the meaning of this?" a voice called out 

"Robert you best warn your men not to upset Crimson before they meet the business end of Democlies," she warned.

Robert looked around his men "You will let them pass." he ordered, "And then you will return to the main camp." 

"Yes, Grand Master," all of them said.

Athena watched as they all left leaving the three of them alone "I take it you are here to speak to Abu'l Nuqoud?" Robert asked

"We are," Athena replied.

Robert nodded and lead them to where Abu'l Nuqoud was.


Abu'l Nuqoud had given them the intel that they needed, the pieces finally falling into place his words playing in her mind 'He said that they had been the first of many, masters of new world order.' 

This troubled her greatly if it was HYDRA then they were all in very real danger unless the head was found. They headed back to Arce with Robert to see William of Montferrat who was currently in an argument with Rowan Of Cameron which would become the Surename Cameron, her ancestor "William!" Robert yelled causing the two to look in their direction 

"Grand Master," William said before looking at them, "You brought Assassins." 

"Alma's heir, and her guard." Robert corrected, "Who is related to Rowan Of Cameron." 

"Hello my kin," Rowan greeted 

"To you as well, what is going on if I may ask?" she asked

"William wants to kill the prisoners that Richard wants to exchange for the Christians that Saladin holds prisoner," Rowan said, "He is also taking food from the people and storing it away."

Athena pinched the bridge of her nose and punched William in the face causing Rowan and Robert to wince and William's men to chuckle "May I ask what that was for my lady?" William asked

"Oh, I think you already know," she replied.


Cameron Hall, 2007

Sarah and Brandy watched the live feed of what was going on. Someone had just attacked Athena while she was talking with Rowan, William, and Robert. Cory went after the son of a bitch "Cory talk to us what is going on?" Sarah asked as Fury and his SHIELD goons marched into the room just as it was coming over the speakers

"Hail HYDRA." 

Sarah and Brandy stood stalk still as did the SHIELD agents in the room "HYDRA is a lot older than what we all thought." Brandy said in shock

"By the Gods," Sarah added.

HYDRA were the ones who started the secret war...

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