Chapter 36

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We were sitting on Chloe's couch. I was convincing Zach and he was not listening to me. He was shaking his head as if my suggestion was unrealistic and childish.

"Zach, I'm not going to force you okay?" My hand was rubbing his thigh. "Are you sure you dont want to take Winston's offer?"

"I dont know," Winston found out about Zach's situation through me the day after Valentine's day and he wanted to help, he offered Zach a place and a bed in his crib. Winston said that he felt bad and it was the least he could do for causing trouble by kissing me. "I'm still iffy about him."

"Just for the mean time," I already asked Peter to back me up when I talk to my dad about this. I needed him to let Zach stay at our house, he once let Justin Foley stay at our house for days once. Without his grudge on Zach over what he did to me I was sure he would without a doubt let him stay. "I'll talk to my dad about it as soon as possible."

"You dont have to," Zach looked at me, assuring me with his charming smile. "I already have a job, I'm just looking for a cheap place I can rent."

"I just," I scratched the back of my head, I was carefully choosing my words, afraid to offend or hurt him even more. "I just dont think its practical."

"What even is practical, Alex?" He was looking at me, amusement in his eyes. His expression was joyous, as if his life was not problematic.

"I dont know," I bit my cheeks, I didnt want to sound needy. But I wanted to make sure Zach was in a place where he was comfortable and happy. I was grateful for Chloe, but Zach sleeping on a couch was one of my worries. "Like you temporarilly living with Winston as we wait till I evantually talk to my dad?"

"I'll be fine, Alex." I wanted to believe him so bad but I just couldnt. I had to assist him. Do anything in my power to make sure I could help provide the things he would be needing, and in this case, a shelter. His job salary wouldnt be enough to pay for his rent alone, how about his everyday meals? His school allowance?

"Will you stay at Winston's place if I stay there with you?" It was a sacrifice I was willing to do and to be quite honest I wouldnt call it a sacrifice because staying with sounded like a reward.

"Your dad wouldn't allow you." Zach pinched my cheek like I was a toddler.

"My dad wouldn't allow me to be here right now beside you but I'm here arent I?" I actually told my dad I wouldnt be able to go home early because of a school project. Peter was nothing but a supportive brother, he was an accomplice to my lie.

"Are you sure this is the right decision?" Zach was hesitating but I nodded and asked for his hand. When his hand touched mine, I slowely enveloped mine on his and like a puzzle piece it fit perfectly. "Okay, I'll accept Winston's offer as long as you're there."

We asked Chloe for a ride on Winston's place. She gladly agreed, grabbed her keys and gave us a ride. The ride was slow, the traffic was unnerving but we made it there in one piece.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Chloe." Zach's voice was gentle, yet his words were very clear. He wanted Chloe to know how thankful he was.

"Anything for you, Zach." Chloe replied, she took off the sunglasses she was wearing and asked Zach for a hug. They embraced for a short time, Chloe gave Zach a kiss on the cheek. A farewell, a thank you.

"Alex," She turned to me, her expression was friendly. We already told Chloe about our relationship, how Zach got kicked out from his house, how my dad was still resenting Zach. Everything, we told Chloe everything. "Please take care of Zach."

"I will." I promise, I'll take care of Zach especially now that he was in his most vulnerable state.

"You guys are the cutest." She squealed. She gave us both another short but tight hug before waving her goodbye, driving away.

"I cant believe your mom hates her," I spoke, looking at Chloe's car slowly fading away on the road. "She's the sweetest."

"Yeah," Zach sighed. He looked down, I assumed it was the mention of his mother that brought his mood down. "I mean, Chloe is not the only one she hates now. My mom hates me too."

I grabbed his hand, letting the puzzle piece attach the missing piece. "Hey, your mom doesn't hate you okay? I think she just needs time, to think about all of this. I mean, I would never justify what your mom did but at the end of the day she's still your mom and she has to accept that her son isnt like anyone else, that he's special."

"You dont know that." I was ready to answer Zach, to assure him with my sweet and loving words but we heard a coughing sound behind us followed by a voice, a voice that was staring to grow on me.

"Alex," Winston greeted me. He then turned to Zach. I was expecting Zach to act rude around Winston but he was respectful, he gave him a smile that was genuine and not forced. "Zach. I'm glad you guys came."

"Thank you, Winston." Winston's offer meant so much to me, to Zach. Him wanting to help even my boyfriend was a proof that he was no longer interested in me, he said it a couple times now and I believed him. I had to convince Zach too.

"Wait, before we go." Winston grabbed Zach's body and gave him an awkward hug. Zach looked surprised. He gave me a look, asking me for help. Winston pulled away and then said. "I just want to say I'm sorry, for kissing Alex. Hope you can still forgive me."

"I forgive you, man." This was the first time in a while I heard Zach use the word man, it reminded me of the days we were still best friends, the days when our sexualities were not yet explored, when we let fear control our everyday lives. "I think all we can do right now is forget about it."

We followed Winston to his room, it looked even more larger than the first time I went here. It looked exactly the same except for the new bed on the other side of the room, I guess it was now Zach's bed. Mine too since I would be staying here for the mean time.

"Thank you, Winston." I thanked him again, I would thank him a thousand times if I could.

"No problem." Winston sat on his bed, throwing a pair of pillow on us which I caught with my two hands.

"Are there any rules here in your room?" Zach asked, he placed his gym bag on the floor, he unzipped it and started fixing his clothes. "Like I dont want to piss you off by touching stuff I shouldnt be touching."

"There's no rules." Winston laughed. "Oh, I guess no sex while I'm in the room? Other than that, you guys are free to use or wear anything you see here."


I'm so sorry for the late update. My cousins came over today and I didnt get to write during the day, its 5am now in my timezone and I havent slept yet. Made sure I finished the chapter first before going to bed.

Were on our way to 15k reads guys. Keep it coming!

- G

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