Chapter 38

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Today was my day off from my work at Rosie's Diner. I was playing a video game on Winston's Playstation four. I was playing The Last of Us Two, I had been wanting to play this game since the day of its release but the game was expensive. Winston mentioned that he got the game on its first day of release, which was insane. Alex was beside me, watching me play the story mode.

I was captivated by the graphics of the game, the characters looked real and a much better sequel visual wise. Winston sat on my other side, he was looking at the screen.

"Have you played this?" I asked Winston. Alex and I had played the first game last year when he got his Playstation, I gave the game to him as a gift.

"Nope." Winston answered, he was on the couch chilling, not even interested on what was happening on the game.

"You're telling me you bought the game on its release date and you haven't played it yet?" Alex's tone was surprised and shocked.

"Yeah," Winston answered coolly. He pointed at his collection of video games. "I love collecting all of the games of each console, I havent played half of those games to be completely honest."

"That's crazy," Alex leaned his head on my shoulder and it made me feel giddy. "I have like four games."

I paused the game and glanced at Alex. "I'll buy you a game when I get my salary."

"No. I was just joking," He placed a cute kiss on my cheek. "That's your money and you are working hard for it. Let's try not to use it on stuff that are not important."

"I agree with Alex," Winston added, he turned to Alex. "If you want a video game you can borrow one from my collection, heck I would even give it you."

"Nah, I'm good." Alex shrugged it off. Alex lied down on my lap as I was playing. His hot and sweaty breath on my crotch was making it hard to focus on the game. I was not sure if he was doing it on purpose but I was getting horny everytime he open his mouth.

"Alex," I tried to move him away from my crotch area but he was not budging. "Can you move? I'm trying to play."

"What?" He grinned. Okay, he was not innocent after all. He was doing it on purpose, he was smudging his face all over my crotch for a reason.

I pushed him away, trying to avoid his evil plan to make me blush and fluster because of my hidden boner. Winston was on his phone, not giving two fucks about what was going on.

Alex did something I never thought he would do in any lifetime. I was busy watching a cut scene from the game when I felt two solid set of teeth clamping on my hard member, Alex bit my dick.

"Alex, what the fuck?" I placed the controller down, I glared at him, my eyes were wide wanting him to explain what he did.

"What?" Alex smirked. That fucker. "I'm not doing anything wrong."

"You just swam on my crotch and bit it like a fucking shark," I was still glaring at him, my dick was also glaring at him because it was hard and it was poking on my shorts. "What are you? Twelve?"

"You're so cute when you're angry." Alex leaned forward and kissed my lips, calming me for some weird reason. It was passionate and long, not just a short smack. I kissed him back for a short period of time before realizing were not the only people in the room.

"Uh," Winston coughed. He looked awkward, as if he was trapped in a place he didnt want to be in. "Do you guys want me to leave the room?"

"Zach, do you want Winston to leave the room?" Alex smiled smugly at me, I knew what he was going for. We had been very adventurous lately, sex on the car was one of the proof of that.

I looked at Winston and he looked like a scared cat. "I actually dont mind," I winked at Alex. "Do you?"

"I dont," Alex crawled near to Winston who seemed like he froze. "Do you want to join, Winston?"

"Join what?" Winston was looking at between me and Alex. He knew what Alex was suggesting but he wanted to atleast make sure before diving in into the unknown. "Wait, I dont want to ruin your relationship again. I think its best if I leave."

I grabbed his arm before he could stand up. "You're not ruining anything. Were just having fun," I grabbed the back of Alex's neck and leaned forward, giving him a sweet kiss. "Right, Alex?"

"Right." Alex licked his lips and touched Winston's cheek, guiding his head for a kiss. Winston looked at me nervously, afraid I would get mad but I just nodded giving him the green flag, allowing him. Watching Alex and Winston make out in front of me was hot, it was making my body feel things, new things.

I stopped them, getting a little jealous I was not part of the action. I first went for Alex's mouth, I dominated his mouth with my tongue and he just let me. Kissing Winston was not familiar but it was great nonetheless. It felt like going on a place for the first time, I didnt know where I was going but the feeling of adventure and exploring it made my heart beat a little faster.

Things escalated quickly and the next thing I knew, we were all on the bed. The game was paused but the sound was still playing from the speakers. All of us were naked, Winston was under Alex and I was beside Winston making his lips numb from my kisses. There was no penetration, it was just kisses, rubbing and blowing. We were all breathing heavilly, back lying on the bed, the smell of semen that was covering our body hit the back of my nose. Alex was between me and Winston.

"That was-" I couldnt finish my sentence. I was out of breath and I couldnt speak properly.

"Hot." Alex finished it for me, he completed my statement and I nodded in agreement.

"So hot." I exhaled, catching my breath. I actually participated on a threesome back then but that was with two girls, and comparing it to my experience now with two boys, it was just as enjoyable.

"Hey," Winston looked at me and Alex. He was on his side, his hand was on his head supporting it. "I enjoyed it but its just a one time thing okay?"

"Totally." Alex added.

"I just dont want to ruin anything," Winston stood up, leaving us on the bed. He was bare naked, he took his boxers from the floor and wore it. "I'll order food, do you guys want anything?"

"Um," Alex closed his eyes thinking of what his appetite was craving for. I would say a threesome but we just finished having one. "I would love a burger. Oh and fries too."

Winston left the room with a phone placed on his ear. I looked at Alex and I gave him a short peck on his cheek. Having a threesome made me realize how much I love Alex, how I wouldnt trade him for anyone else. Period. Winston was an attractive guy but he does not give me raging butterflies in my stomach, he does not give me hope, a light that was pushing to move forward and to live my life without regrets. I realized today that Alex Standall was the only person for me, he was the only one that could complete me.


Woop. That escalated quickly.

Also guys question, will you guys read if I make a one shot book with a bunch of different ships such as Zalex, Clustin, Chalex, Walex, Stoley, Clony, Wonty etc.?

- G

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