Chapter 40

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I was scared, scared that I could pee in my own pants. Alex's dad was the town's deputy, he had a reputation, a respected one. But talking to him, I felt like a criminal and I was being judged for the things I did wrong.

"You hurt my son," Deputy Standall stated, he was talking about the time I punched Alex because of Luke's blackmailing situation. "You punched him, I want you to know that as a father, I could never forget that."

"Yes, sir." I didnt let my voice shake but it was close. I didnt want to sound like a scared kid, who couldnt own up to his mistake, not in front of Alex's dad.

"I also told you to stay away from him," Deputy Standall did tell me to stay away from Alex, it was something I couldnt personally do, not when Alex was my anchor, my oxygen. "But Alex told me that you guys have been living together in your friend's house for the past few days."

"I'll be honest, sir." Being honest in front of a police is one thing, but being honest in front of the town's deputy, who also happened to be my boyfriend's dad was another. "Alex broke up with me after the incident, he avoided me and our friends. Sir, we tried following you. And then we failed, because I really didnt have anyone else except for Alex."

"Sir, I'm really sorry for disobeying your order," I continued as Deputy Standall listened, I took that as an opportunity to explain my side. "But I really care for Alex, I do love him. Yes, I did hurt him and I would never go and justify what I did. It was a mistake, a mistake I am willing to pay whatever the price is, as long as I will not lose Alex."

Deputy Standall sighed, I could sense him thinking and I could feel my palms and and both of my pits were sweating. I already did my explaining, now I was just waiting for his decision if I was still worthy to be around his son.

When Alex told me that his dad wanted to talk to me, I panicked. I was working as a cashier at Rosie's Diner and thank God, the place was not crowded. But I couldnt stop thinking about Alex, how I owe this to him, to his family.

"Zach," Deputy Standall was looking straight into my eyes, I couldnt help but look back. I needed to show him that I was sincere, that I was serious, that I knew what I was doing. "I want you to know that if it was just me, I would stay by my words, I dont want you near my son."

"But," He exhaled, not breaking eye contact. "Alex told me about your situation and I symphatize. At a young age, you dont deserve what you're going through right now. I'm mainly doing this for Alex, because he cares for you and you make him happy. Also because I was a son first before I became a parent. I knew what it felt like to lose a parent, to have them go against your happiness."

"Thank you, sir." I was speechless, in the best way possible. I was not expecting Deputy Standall to understand my side, but he did.

"You can stay here, as long as you want." Deputy Standall spoke, I could hear the father instead of the deputy talking. "But hurt Alex again and I would make sure, you wont see him again. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." I knew myself, now that I was no longer holding a secret, now that I already lost everything. I dont think I could ever hurt Alex again. "Thank you, sir."

"Dont thank me, thank Alex." Deputy Standall said, he backtracked and his voice became gentle. "And you dont deserve what your mom did to you. You had also been a great friend to Alex before all of this. You are a good kid, Zach."

"Thank you, sir." I sounded like a robot, saying the same thing over and over again.

Before Deputy Standall could speak again, Alex peeked his head from upstairs. He looked like he had been listening to my conversation with his dad secretly.

"Dad," He said and we both looked at him, Deputy Standall raised his eyebrows at his son. "Are you done scaring him?"

"Yes," Deputy Standall stood up, holding his phone that was ringing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to answer this."

Alex asked me to come upstairs into his room when his dad's figure disappeared. He locked the door behind him and started kissing me.

"You did great." He was caressing my cheeks, his touch made me feel light and better.

"Did I?" I looked at him worriedly. "Are you sure?"

"Hundred and one percent." Alex kissed my lips, like he couldnt get enough of my taste.

"Do you think your dad can ever forgive me for hurting you?" I looked at his lips, the wound that I caused still had a visible mark.

"He will, eventually." Alex sat beside me, holding my hands, our fingers intertwining. "He has to."

"Alex," I held on to his hand tight, savoring this moment, his touch. "I would never hurt you, ever again, I promise."

"I know that." He planted his lips on the back of my hand.

I touched the mark on his lip, it already healed but I could still feel the pain I caused, hear my friends gasp as my fist meet Alex's face. I muttered. "Im sorry, Alex."

"Zach," Alex sighed, cupping my face. "You dont have to apologize, okay?"

"Okay." I closed my eyes and let his touch erase all of my worries and sorrows. "Still, I want you to know that I could never forgive myself for doing that."

"Zach," I could feel Alex slowly breathing beside me. "You have to forgive yourself, people make mistakes, people fuck up sometimes, even the good ones. Doesnt mean theyre bad people." I nodded in response, letting his words sip in to my brain.

"I love you, Zach." I heard him whisper.

"I love you too, Alex."


New chapter, sorry it took some time but here you go.

Were already on chapter 40 and I originally planned this story to last up to chapter 50, so if I'll base it on that then were just 10 chapters away before the end of this story.

- G

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