Chapter 5: And the Winner is...

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Time went on, and so did Amon's threats. Yet somehow I was more worried about what I did to Mako for him to be such a mafia movie.

I became in charge of the Yakuza again and immediately had them investigate Tarrlock and Amon. Those guys could do practically anything it was homely creepy and I really hoped I didn't just make the next dai Lee.

When it came to the arena I prepared it to stay closed, it was only going to show people's just how power Amon was getting.

So I and Yongten glided right over to the oculi meeting only find Korra, Bolin, and Suni there somehow.

I opened the two big doors arogon style, I seriously like screaming 'the beckons are lite! The bacons of minastertgo are lite!!'

Instead, my eyes widened to see Korra there.

"No, you can't!" Korra yelled. "I don't understand, I thought you all would take a stand against Amon."

"While I—" Tarrlock began to say before seeing me. "Avatar Takumi!"

"Shut it down, Tarrlock why would we keep it open in the first place? Pride?" I spoke, using my big adultly person voice.

"Our first thing should be to protect people's lives, councilmen." Yongten said I smirked. 'Thing' really? She learned from me too well.

"I agree, I will not put innocent lives at stack hits so you and your friends and play a game."

Korra than looked at me like I was killing her pet hamster, while Meuki wrapped her tail around my neck.

"Pro bending might be a game to you it Isn't to this city. The reality is if you close the arena you lot Amon win." Korra said, a fist in hand.

"What she did yes!" Bolin yelled.

"Oh please, the only reason you want it to stay open is so you can fight in the tournament." I scoffed, folding my arms. She was supposed to be on team avatar not making my life worst.

"I'm sorry, but my decision has been made." Tarrlock said, about to give a top on the judge thing before Lin hit it with her metal bending.

"I can't believe I'm saying but I agree with Korra." She sighed.

"You do?" Korra almost gasped.

"Yeah, you do?"

After Lin saying how she was gonna personally take responsibility for the event, Tarrlock called another vote and smirked at me. "The arena stays open."

"Your days are numbers, Tarrlock." I scoffed before turning dramatically in a Jojo way and walking out.


"Takumi." Tenzin called out. I gave a small smile when I turned. "Aren't you taking this a little too far? I heard you've the avatar made the Yakuza her personal squad again." His eyebrows furrowed and his bread being stroke 24/7.

"Tarrlock up to something, Amon's up to something, Mako up to something I can't sight around!" I scoffed, folding my arms.

"Yongten, don't you think Takumi taking this a bit far?" Tenzin turned to his sister who looked at me and him dumbfounded.

"From what I see she's just being the avatar." She finally said and bro fisted with grins on our faces.

Tenzin sighed and left. Then I sighed remembering the big headache I was about to deal with.


Yongten insisted on going to the Arena, I didn't really like it, but she went anyway so whatever.

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