Chapter 7: Old Blood

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{Not edited.}

"It was an honor serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a pleasant retirement. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, Councilman Tarrlok. That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him. The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force until we quell this insurgency." Saikhan reposted to the journalists.

I stood there in a bit of shook. "They replaced Lin? Where is she?" I thought out loud.

"This is no doubt Tarrlock's doing." Tenzin said with a hostile tone as Tarrlock walked up. "Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket but I highly doubt it was legal."

"Oh, Tenzin. Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city? Well, Avatar Takumi. Long time, no see. Now that your little Yakuza are running around anywhere they wish I thought it only far the people's thin line could do the same." Tarrlock grinned as he looked down at me. Damn I hated being short again.

"The Yakuza are the people's line of defense, if you actually cared for Republic City you'd notice..." I said casually and looked over at the news reporters still there. Watching what I say carefully.
"And maybe if you did care about the people of republic city you'd, you know stop wasting their tax money on this task force you keep mentioning. But I see nothing of it anywhere. Seems to me you're wasting more money into your pocket. Or are you just trying so desperately to get re-elected." I said folding my arms.

The news ate that up like Pumpkin pie on thanksgiving.

Tarrlock smirked, almost like he was impressed.

"If your not joining my task force than stay out of my way." Tarrlock whispered as he leaned and walked away.

I grinned. What the heck?

"Are you sure that was wise?" Tenzin asked.

"Don't worry about it, Tenten." I smiled as I patted his shoulder and walked away.

"DONT Callll Me TENTEN!"


As I meditated back at the air temple island, or I like to call it Aang Island I meditated But was interrupted. "Mm hungry." I thought out loud.

Bolin awkwardly sat next to me as the sunset was at its pink point.

"Bolin?" I asked, turning my head to see his bunny face looking lost. "What's wrong?"

"Well I— it's my brother! Can you believe he's a gang leader!!" Bolin started to say, standing up and raising his voice. Well that didn't take much.

"Yeah he and I have been bumping heads a later recently." I said, holding my fist bumps pose.

"I just thought he was someone else. I thought he was my brother... I thought I could trust him! I— don't want this..." Bolin's bright green eyes sagged to the floor, his shoulder looking like there were invisible weights. He wasn't doing so great.

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