Chapter 8: The Ideals of Children

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{Not Edited.}

Today's chapter begins with a old man running away from Suni in a dark ally way earlier in the morning.

"Wait stop! I always liked you Suni, if you let me escape I'll owe you one!" The old thug leader was desperate. In fact he never liked Suni.

Suni smirked; "And betray Mako? I'd reconsider his offer if were you. It's time for new leadership." He than formed a fireball in his palm.

"No... wait!" The man screamed in defense only for Suni to finish him.

He walked out of the ally way and way greeted by two guards. "So how's the morning so far, pal?" Suni casually asked.

"Mako's gonna be happy, we caught all his stray rats." The guard answered, tilting his hat.

"That's what I like to hear." Suni smirked as they climbed in the fancy car.


Suni knocked on the door of Mako's mansion. You know... Asami's mansion.

"Did you get it done?" Mako asked as Suni walked in. Mako wearing a bath rob and his hair quite messy.

"Let's just say they'll be screaming at you six feet under from now on." Suni said as he sat in the vanity sit and up his feet up.

"Feet off, Suni." Mako said tapping his feet as he walked over to the vanity.

"So what's next on the list?" Suni up an eyebrow up.

"Next..." Mako breathed, grabbing his pocket watch. "We Keep business as usual." He finished looking in the mirror and fixing his hair.

"What about Bolin?"

"He'll come around. He always does. What I'm really worried about his that Avatar."

"And Asami? She getting out?"

"No. I made sure that. Please I sent her a note. 'Dear, Asami, after finding the horrible truth of you being an equality so sorry but Val blah blah... same old break up lines. Did the Yakuza give you any trouble?" Mako looked over at Suni, awaiting his answer.

"Yea some of em. But they're gonna get worst. Lot worst. Heck they own the police at this point."

"I'll have a chat with her. See if I can fix ties."


On the other side of the city I say after breakfast looking at The sunrise with so much in my mind. Tarrlock almost hurting Yongten, what Mako was doing, Amon's note.

It bother me that I failed protecting Yongten and Korra. Perhaps a little too much. 

Tenzin sat next to me and I only wanted to hug him. I hadn't even told him about Amon's note.

"Takumi, What you did was so reckless... not to mention you used blood bending! I'm trying so hard to yell at you right now." Tenzin snapped, fury in his eyes as I looked up at him.

"Disappointed in me, Tenzin?" I whispered. That wouldn't be a shock.

"That's not what I—" Tenten was taken back as he tried to find the right words.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect avatar like everyone thinks I should be. I'm just so tired. And when I saw Yongten being controlled... I'm not good enough!" I tried not to yell but my voice raise none the less.

"That's not true, Takumi." Tenten tried to reassure.

"It is!!" I snapped as I stood up, my eyes looking at the ground. "If you knew... what I really am. You'd be so disappointed. Everyone would be. I'm so pathetic! I couldn't stop Tarrlock from hurting Yongten and Korra, I can't stop Amon, or that Mako, I failed you..." My thoughts were so cloudy I couldn't think. But in that moment I could only think bout how horrible of a parent I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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