Chapter 6: The Lies of the Two Face Spirit

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{Not Edited. Enjoy!}

The glass of probending Arena remained broken and the police in building as Korra entered Bolin and Suni's apartment, Mako putting a red shirt into a box.

"I still can't believe they're shutting this place down, Bolin." Mako said as he helped him back.

"Yeah. We had some good memories here, didn't we?" Bolin replied distantly.

Korra excitedly ran up the stairs and yelled: "Guys! Great news. You don't have to go back on the streets. I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements. You can come live on Air Temple Island with me!" She gave a smile.

"Oh, that be great, Korra, but I got plans and Bolin..." Suni sighed.

"Mako and Asami already invited me to live in her dad's giant mansion!" Bolin interrupted Suni and beamed all happy. 

Korra face showed her disappointment

"From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for me!" He smiled proudly.

Behind Korra, Asami entered holding Pabu. "Oh hello, Korra, I was hoping you would stop by. I've heard a lot about you from Bolin." Asami Sato smiles politely.

"Oh wow..." Korra breathed out of wonder. She had seen her at my party but seeing her was... "you're really pretty..." Korra thought out loud in a daze.

"Aww thank you, Korra." Asami smiled as she walked to Mako with Pabu. "I like your friend, Bolina." Asami rested her head on Mako's shoulder as he packed Bolin's luggage.

"Oh well, I guess I'll leave than. Bye!
see you guys around, some time." Korra waved, about to leave.

"Why not tomorrow? I'd love to have you come visit the estate." Asami said.

"I don't know. I have some ... Takumi might need me." In fact I did not.

Bolin holding up Pabu and talks as him with a high-pitched voice and an accent; waves Pabu in front of his face so that it looks like Pabu is talking: "Come on, Korra! We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness. We could swim in Asami's pool. It'll be fun!"

"All right, Pabu." Korra laughed.

Asami walked next to Mako and Bolin, waving. "Great, we'll see you tomorrow."


The next day was my last test. To see if I had truly master Air Bending. Tenten was quite hard on me. But it wasn't anything I hadn't had experience in.

We both bowed after our match.

"Well done Avatar Takumi, you've mastered airbending. Past all forms spiritual training as well, your avatar training is complete." He said seriously as he held a monk's head bow.

"Thank you, Tenten—" my heads blinked as those words escaped my lips.

"Just because you have past does not mean you can call me Tenten!" Tenten foamed as the mouth with anger.

"Sorry, Tenzin. I won't do it again. But no promises." I smirked, my hands behind my back.

"Only my mother called me that, don't make a habit of it." He said as he walked away.

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