Chapter 3: The Revelation

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One afternoon before everything would start I decided it would be a good time to try out my Avatar mojo and continue with myself, through me, Gyawa who could be me. 

'Hmmm.' I hummed, taking another bite of delicious meat.

Soon I found myself in the weird void that is the Avatar State and sitting across from me was Gyawa. Looking into a mirror for once in my life was pleasant.

All that muscle, all that hair, all that clear skin. Uhuh, that was me.

"So... are you me?" I asked, leaning in.

"Yes, I am you."  She smirked.

"No you don't get it, are you me?!" I pointed at myself with a thump up.

"Yeah, you're me!!! This isn't a Jackie Chan movie!" She yelled with no patience.

"Yup you're me." I nodded with a mysterious smirked rising; "Hey you gonna..."

"Ha I mean is that even possible?" She grinned.

"I mean if we can move anything is possible."

Yet somehow when I was in the avatar state someone tapped my shoulder and caused me to leave. I sighed and looked up to see Bolin.

He gave a smile and waved; "Hi, Takumi."

"Hi, you looking for Korra?" I asked, lately she had been training with them for the championship tournament.

"Uh no, I was actually wondering if you had seen Mako?" He put his hands together in a praying gesture.

I stood up, this was already exciting. Mako taken instead of Bolin? "Why? He's missing?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Yeah I went over to his house, he wasn't there, I tried his favorite restaurant and nothing, I tried his girl's house, nothing."

"He has a girlfriend?" I rose an eyebrow. This was definitely different.

"Yeah... and no. I don't know anymore. I was hoping he was here." He fumbled, pointing around.

"Don't worry, Bolin, we'll find him. Do you know what's he's been up to recently?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Oh nah, he doesn't talk to me about his business. Says it's too dangerous." He did his best impersonation of Mako making me laugh a little.

"Ok, how come it sounds like your brothers in a gang?" I rose an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Well He is but I can explain!" He quickly rose his hands. "It's not exactly volunteer! We never wanted to be involved with the Triple Threats. Oh, I hope he's ok." He began to pass around.

"Don't worry about it, Bolin, just tell me where the Triple Threats headquarters is, I'll get Korra and we'll go get him. Sound good?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yeah! Thanks, Takumi" He brightly smiled.

"No problem." I nodded and left to get Korra who was training.


We cut the looking time drastically, although it was still Night.

We all got off Nagga and walked to the door

"Wait! We have to be very careful! There's usually guards at the door." Bolin whispered, creeping around.

Korra was about to dismember the poor door before I grabbed her shoulder tightly when I saw Mako in there through the small window. Talking to someone.

"Korra wait! There's people in there." I whispered, moving quietly to the door and listened in.

"So what is it you have to tell me that's so important it couldn't wait till after a turf war, Mako." The lead gangster asked.

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