19. White Gun

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I coughed roughly as I tried to get rid of the scratchy itch in my throat after his response.

'' What? What does that mean? '' I proposed drinking my wine down my throat trying to soothe the roughness.

'' Nothing Important.'' He replied smirking. Jesus, I feel the bad vibes.

'' What about your family? '' He urged pressing on the 'your'.

'' It's just me and my mom. '' I answered my gaze solely trained on the carbohydrates in front of me.

'' I am Invited to a beach house party this weekend, I want you to be my date.'' He declared out of the blue moon and I snapped my head up to meet his intense gaze.

'' Looks like other girls didn't fall into your trap huh? '' I challenged, he stopped drinking his whiskey as he gave me a side look.

'' Oh don't worry, not everyone is handsome you know. Sadly, you have to settle for someone average for me.'' I said softly but confidently, as with sass I took a bite of my pasta.

'' Why do you think your average?'' He stated.

'' you think I'm average!? '' I asked bewildered and shocked as I gasped and placed a hand on my chest. for more of a believable effect.

'' What? No to- what? '' He stammered and suddenly burst laughing off at his trapped situation. I clutched my cheeks in pain, damn it hurt to laugh so much

'' That was a nice trick, Amore.'' He spoke as he gave me a lopsided grin.

Soon as my laughter died down a small smile played on my lips as blushed and drank a little more of my wine. Gosh, I'm going to be drunk! Once dinner was over I had asked for some water to just wash off all the wine in my mouth.

Drinking the pure liquid I felt it soothe my oesophagus as it passed down into my belly. The winds were much calmer but it had salty olfaction to it as if there was a beach nearby. My mind immediately recoiled in cheerfulness It had been a while since I explored the beach.

'' Is there a beach nearby? '' I asked him and he gave me a sneer and said.

'' How about dessert on the beach? ''

---------- Later That Night---------

I can't believe Nicholas went well he didn't give me many bad vibes... except that silent killer thing, but I think he is just being playful. His hands did have magic cause I refuse to believe that he could cook something so delightful as that meal.

I was happily digging into the chocolatey goodness which was placed in my hands. It was... a brownie! can you believe it!


I might have to just change my views... A little tiny bit for Nicholas now. Just a little.

'' Bullet for your thoughts? ''

'' Ha? '' I peered at him and observed as he gave me a small simper. Is this man sane? who says bullet for your thoughts???

''You're lost. '' He told me while I caught a glance at my bare feet which were now placed on the soft fresh damp sand.

'' No, I'm not, I was just surprised that I didn't run for my life when you mentioned that you were a silent killer,'' I told him truthfully.

I expected a sassy reply or a comeback or something, But I got a loud laugh which scared all the blood cells in my body. I don't know how girls say when a man laughs his laugh is so sweet like honey. I genuinely want to know what is so sweet when a man laughs like an old man?

'' You crack me up, Emerald.'' He said in gasps.

'' I do? Shocking.'' I replied as I shivered when the sweetness of the brownie hit my glands.

The sounds of the waves crashing against the sore were such a tranquil noise that brought a small flutter in my heart. The moment that the waves touched mine and Nicholas feet I yelped in giddy joy as a small squeal let out from my lips.

My feet touched something slimy which was about to make me lose my balance; yet repeatedly I was saved by Nicholas who held on to my arm which made me stand steadily on my feet again. Even though this was the second time tonight that he rescued me from falling.

'' I'm starting to think you like doing this.'' He stated with a hint of amusement in his voice

'' Doing what? '' I asked in confusion.

'' Falling into my arms '' He said as the corners of his lips twitched up to give me a charming smile.

'' Oh don't flatter yourself too much,'' I said and just as I was to pull back I was pushed back into his chest. this resulted to lead my brownie which was in my hand to fall off and drop down on the seashore.

I looked at my poor calories and then back at the murder of it. I stared at Nicholas with such a fierce glare that would shit Jonathan in his pants... Not sure about him though. His hands held me in place as I anticipated an apology from him for my loving brownie.

He placed his fingertips on the sides of my mouth, he wiped the residue of the remaining caramel from there. He raised it to his lips just as he was about to place it in his mouth, I pulled his finger back and sucked the remaining caramel from his thumb.

This action of mine seemed to shock him as his grip on my waist tightened and his posture went rigid. His lips which had a small grin on them turned into a straight line which made his lips look more plump and full. I still think he could use vaseline.

Once I pulled his finger out from my mouth, It was then that I realised the situation that I had created and the idea that I gave off. I remember Marcia telling me something about situations like this and all--- something along the line of.

'' Some men find it a huge turn on and some... well they consider it kinky. But I depend if you got a sugar daddy though?''

Well shit, let's hope Nicholas is none of that right now cause this one is on me.

'' Considering how I feel towards you emerald. You do that again and I might just not hold myself back.'' He tells me subtly as his grip on my waist loosened and he let go of me.

But his eye's still trained on me as mine were on his, I thought about what he said as my mind drifted back to the time he barged into my house and confessed how he felt towards me.

''Because my dear emerald, you have captured my heart in the most ridiculous way possible.''

''your mere presence made the beast inside me rest at peace.''

''Your honey looking skin made me crave every single part of you.''

I kept quiet after all what could I say? Thank you? I think not that would lead me to look like an enormous fool in front of him. I stared down at my feet as my breath was haywire, I have never had anyone confess their feelings towards me and neither have I met a man so straightforward as Nicholas.

I wanted to open my mouth and say something but all rational thoughts went off my head; I saw him pull out a white gun from the waistband of his pants. Many girls in my position would lose their shit and start running around the area like a headless chicken--- I wondered if I was sane because...

Number one... I was not scared of that weapon in his hand that could blow my brains out in mere seconds.

Number two, I was in awe of that white metal in his hands I've seen many slivers and black guns in movies but in real life that to a white gun... This was a first. It was bloody beautiful.

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