27. Marco

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'' Welcome home Capo '' The old lady in front of us said as she greeted Nicholas and gave me a soft nod with a beautiful smile.

She had the most beautiful blue eyes that I ever have seen. She wore a dark brown top and black skirt that flowed slightly below her knees.

'' I'm Jade. '' I introduced as I held my hand out to shake.

I noticed the hesitant in her eyes as she looked at Nicholas and then back to me with a scared look on her face she looked between my hand and her shoes. I rolled my eyes as I looked at Nicholas with an unimpressed look.

'' I would appreciate if you would shake my hand miss. '' I told her as her soft blue eyes locked with mine and a warm smile itched on to her features.

'' Don't worry, I won't let him kill you,'' I said as I gave her my proud smile.

She let her hand out shivering as she placed her palm in mine and I made sure to give her a firm but comforting shake. My words seemed to amuse her as she gave me a soft chuckle.

'' I'm Rosa, I'll take those for you, Madam. '' She said as she took my bag.

'' Just jade please,'' I told her warmly she gave me a shaky look and nodded her head.

'' Come. '' Nicholas said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me inside his mansion.

Boy this man's rich.

We entered a hall which was three times bigger than mine, Nicholas had a very classic yet neat theme to his home. Everything was white. Sofa? White. Walls? White. The only thing that wasn't white was his flooring it was an ivory marble with streaks of gold designed in it.

I noticed the chandelier hanging from the top, I always had a thing for big huge chandeliers they always seemed to grasp my attention. I walked further into the house, Nicholas happens to have a staircase that leads up to probably the other parts of the house.

His kitchen was at the far end and it was an open kitchen! The island table was black and the chairs were ivory colour. I also seemed to notice the blood-red colour candles that were kept their unlit.

' I'll be right back,'' Nicholas said as he walked away from me.

'' Where are you going? '' I asked him not liking the thought of roaming in a mafia mans home alone.

What? My life could be at risk!

'' To make a call. '' He said and left before I could say anything more.


I gave him a hummed and decided to continue this journey alone I concentrated on the wall which was far at the end of the mansion that had pictures on them. My feet had a mind of their own as I walked towards one picture that drew all my attention.

I was attracted to all the memories that Nicholas had experienced but this certain portrait had taken my breath away. It was a picture of Nicholas and his siblings 

Damn good looks run in the family.

Nicholas wore a dashing three-piece black suit as he was seated on a big black leather chair, Behind him was a man with blue hair he wore a dark navy blue suit, his hands were in his pockets and his head held up high as he showed off his cheekbones.

Towards the left of Nicholas were two men that shared quite a similar feature I recognised them as the twin brothers Nicholas told me he had. They were both dressed in a white shirt and black pants, standing firm as they stared at me with their dark brown eyes.

What caught my eyes the most was the beautiful girl who wore a golden dress and had her hair flowing down her back as she leaned on the black chair against the right side of Nicholas. This portrait of them screamed power and oozed with fear and dominance.

They all looked so deadly and fierce.

'' you know I would say you're snooping around, you don't seem to be that kind of a person '' A firm voice spoke I slightly flinched and turned to my right as I found a pair of brown eyes looking back at me.

The same brown eyes that I had seen in the picture was now starring at me. His hair was dyed blue he had a scar on the left side on the cheek was more evident. I found a few similarities that he and Nicholas shared, from their sharp nose to rough lips and firm jawlines.

'' Who are you? '' I asked as the man in front of me chuckled and neared me.

'' It doesn't matter who I am, what are you doing here matters the most.'' He told me adamantly as he leaned against the wall and stared at me with objection in his eyes. He wore a black polo shirt along with blue jeans and hair was combed back in a bun.

'' I'm here to meet Obama, is he home?'' I asked sarcastically looking behind him to find someone.

My actions seemed to offend him as he stood straight and charged straight in my direction, he gripped my forearm harshly and pressed a black metal gun against my forehead.

Has anger issues

'' It won't take me seconds to blow your pretty brains woman.'' He threatened as I saw the fire in his eyes which had my shaking slightly.

Why does this always happen to me???

Why am I always at gunpoint!

'' So I ask again... Who are you? '' He said fiercely as the pressure on my forearm increase when he gripped me harder.

I snapped out of my thoughts I remembered who the heck I was associated with and with confidence on my shoulders and boldness I replied.

'' Hillary Clinton '' I said and grinned when his eyebrows furrowed his ears turned pink.

He cocked his gun I was about to shit myself until I heard that deep and dark voice that sent shocks through my spine boom.

'' Hands off Marco! She's with me.''

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