45. Out in the open

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( Jade's POV )

I tried to get some sleep last night but I wasn't able to do so, the moment I closed my eyes I would be met by the cold stare of the man who happens to love me and kill me at the same time.

I tossed and turned hoping sleep would greet me but instead, I was met with the warm bed which happened to provide some sort of comfort to my stiff bones. After debating for a long period I decided I had enough of tossing and turning, it was a rough time for me that I should take a walk just to clear things out of my mind.

Grabbing the keys from the drawer and the phone which dopey gave me. I locked the door and walked towards the street ahead of me, I was wearing only black puma shorts and a white top.

During these three days, I have felt nothing but pain, shock and terror.

The moments of Nicholas and I flashed through my eyes-- I tried to get rid of that every sinful memory that haunted my sleep. I was shocked to witness that a man who said would protect me turned out to be the one to almost shoot me.

What was even more surprising was that I let him place a gun on my head, I let him speak to me those words that I knew hurt me. I wanted to say something at that moment before he could pull the trigger. But I guess dopey beat me to it.

I just needed to see Marcia, she would honestly make my day better and I needed some sort of support and motherly love. As much as I wanted to run straight to her house right now, I knew that I couldn't put her life in danger by involving her with me. I just have to go on until things get better for me.

I thought of maybe trying to contact Athena she is the only one sensible out of all the three brothers. but yet again she is still one of them, after the stunt dopey pulled out she too might consider me as the villain.

Contacting anybody at this point was a potential threat to me and my safety; Dopey is doing the best he can to help me and himself, who every this person is behind the curtains is definitely deadly and cunning. They know every step of the celso's before the word can even get out, they plan everything in such a nice way.

It's surely a family member but who?

There are so many people to pick from the pond.

Flavio? High possibility.

Marco? Doubtful

Cobra? But he's dead...

Alexandra? I mean I do see a possible chance she is close to the family and the quiet ones are always the ones with a big game plan

I stopped by a grocery store nearby, maybe a tub of ice cream would help me feel better? Searching the isle for my favourite flavour, I was pleased when the ice cooling sensation of the tub was in my grasp.

'' Hi welcome to Celso's Supermarket! '' the cashier said a little bit too cheerful for me and I internally groaned.

As she was scanning the tub of ice cream my eye's happened to be attracted to the small spray bottle at the side of the lollipop sections.

Pepper spray?

'' You won't be able to survive out in the open jade.''

Well if I won't be able to survive out in the open then I guess might as well carry some sort of backup. If not a gun then at least pepper spray.

'' Excuse me, I'd take the pepper spray too,'' I told her as she passed me a smile and punched in the total amount. After I paid her the cash, I walked out holding the pepper spray bottle tightly.

I was on my way back home the phone in my hand vibrated as the caller ID flashed in front of my eyes.

'' Jade! Where are you?! '' Dopey asked frantically, I could hear some shuffling going on in the background.

'' I'm on my way, I just went out for a walk,'' I replied nonchalantly.

'' A walk!? Are you a stupid woman! What part of stay low, did you not get? '' he yelled

'' I needed to get some things off my chest okay! I'm not used to locking myself out in a room for four days straight! I need my time and space! '' I exclaimed 

'' You had your space in a room! '' He replied

'' And you had your space out in the open! they are not the same thing! '' I hollered as I neared the area.

'' I'm around the corner, I'll be there soon,'' I said hoping this would put him at ease.

'' Where did you go for a walk? '' He asked this time more calmly.

'' To a grocery store, I brought ice cream '' I answered

'' What's the name of the store.'' He pressed

'' I don't know the cashier lady said something like welcome to Celso's. '' I spoke and stopped in my tracks at my own words.

'' You went to a store who Sebastian is the owner!!''

'' Oh shit.'' we are changing places again...

'' This is why I said keep your ass in the room!!! '' He yelled in panic and I winced pulling the phone away from my ears.

Just as I was about to speak I experienced a pierce onto the side of my neck I let out a shriek as the needle was pressed harshly into my skin.

'' Jade? Jade are you okay?'' Dopey asked worried but my lips became too heavy to move.

'' Come to the place where you played as a child.

Under the moonlight, your reflection will shine like art.

Come soon my darling or your beloved jade will be ripped apart.'' The sweet but eerie voice spoke as I tried to pull the scarf that covered her face.

'' Who are you?! '' I could hear dopey's voice emitting from the phone. As the woman put it on speaker, she came up close to me; her eyes held an evil gleam.

'' Blackfish.''

I tried to pull her scarf down just so I could see her face, but she pushed away from her. I pathetically fell on the ground and hit my head against something hard. I groaned in pain clutching my head tightly as the severe pain cut through me.

before I could take another breath, fear surrounded my veins. The eerie feeling settled on my skin and everything around me went black.

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