23. Family

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It was surprisingly quiet gloom today it was most probably because of the beast who was walking with me down the street. We passed by a few lamposts and shops.

For some reason my heart clenched, my mind turned to a zero degree, If I am walking with a dangerous man on the street. He definitely will have his bodyguard who will follow him. I frantically turned around to look for men who looked buff and scary.

'' You won't find them,'' Nicholas whispered in my ear I turned around and was met by his eyes filled with amusement. It was as if he knew what I was looking for.

'' Why? Aren't they supposed to be with you all the time for your safety?'' I asked him

'' I never said that they were not here. I said 'You won't be able to find them.'' He replied lowly passing me a grin.

'' So where are you taking me? '' I asked him in pure curiosity as the sky started to darken.

'' Somewhere.'' He replied as he focused his attention on his phone screen. Google Maps? Really?

'' Are you lost, baby boy? '' I questioned as his gaze meets with mine.

'' No, but I think I will if you keep talking like that.'' He answered looking back to his screen.

I stopped walking as I tried to process what the heck was he saying?

'' Hey! What do you mean by that? '' I asked as I jogged to catch up with him. Damn, he walks fast.

'' Nothing your pretty brain should worry about.'' He replied as he held on to my hand. I looked down at our joined hands as I raised a brow at him.

'' Follow me.'' He said disregarding his phone into his pant pockets.

'' You know I can do that without you holding my hand''. I told him but all he did was pull me more firmly ahead as we both ran.

Jesus doesn't tell me

'' Hey watch it! I'm wearing heels!'' I shirked, just as I did he came to an abrupt stop 

'' Why?? '' He asked perplexed.

'' FASH HUN! '' I replied dramatically, Nicholas rolled his eyes at me as he whispered something incoherent under his breathing.

A sick red car slammed its brakes in front of us with such power I thought the ground would have holes. I yelped and held on to Nicholas's arm as I hid behind him.

'' Still like holding on to me?'' He said breaking the silence as the driver came out from the car and nodded his head at Nicholas and me

I pulled back from him as if he had rabies and scoffed.

'' What? You said you could protect me. So I was checking.'' I told him and strutted towards his car as I flipped my hair and opened the door.

I noticed that Nicholas was cemented in his place and his driver disappeared into thin air. When did that happen?

" Don't worry baby. I don't bite". I declared as he chuckled and walked towards the car.


" You have restaurants too? " I asked as Nicholas walked me through the night.

'' Yes, In fact, the one we just dinned in is owned by my brother.'' He told me as his brown eyes meet mine.

'' How many siblings do you have? '' I questioned

'' One sister and three brothers.'' He replied proudly and continued

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