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A/N: A request by AuroraPup! Much love as always, thank you for requesting and entrusting this to me to create a book about it! Much love, remember to be happy and stay healthy !!

She shifted slightly then as she pushed the broken seat off of her. Her lips parted then as she noticed how the cabin she was in was demolished entirely. Her lips quivered, she was alone.

Had she fainted? She wasn't too sure.

But she could hear voices coming from outside of where she was. She slowly picked herself up and walked over them only to have her grey eyes widened slightly then as she slowly peeked her head out. Her auburn bangs covering her view slightly, which she soon shake her head a little then, getting a close up of what was happening.

She noticed a battle going on and she could only stare then.

She noticed men wielding swords in their hands, and she noticed a rather odd-looking man standing on the other side. She could tell, he wasn't human at all, given how his skin was so fair and his eyes were yellow.

How he had these blue streaks over his body.

"What's going on?" she whispered to herself then as she stood out a little more and her grey eyes widened slightly at the intense battle going on then. [name] then parted her lips a little, unsure of what she was doing.

But she gathered a few rocks of good sizes in her arms and soon started to throw towards the man who she knew wasn't human at all.

"Breath of Flames, First Form: Unknowing Fire!" and [name] watched as the man with a haori that was in a  white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges at the end of it.

"This is unbearable, just die Kyojuro! While you're young and strong! Once you agree to become a demon, you will be far more superior! Far more stronger than you are now!" the man with yellow eyes yelled out and she could only press her lips into a fine thin line then.

"What the?!" the man with the yellow eyes yelled out as he noticed he was being hit by rocks coming from a distance. His eyes shifted then and it laid upon [name] who was still throwing rocks at him, not caring if she was in danger.


Only to have her eyes widened then as she noticed a younger man running up to the man with yellow eyes, attacking him recklessly with the man called 'Kyojuro'. She watched as their swords somehow managed to cut off the arms of the man with yellow eyes.

And she watched in horror, how it started to regenerate so easily.

"D-Demon?" she whispered out.

She watched and noticed how the sun was rising too, and she could only continue to watch as she had released her arms and dropped the rocks she had collected earlier on, watching as the demon had sent himself up into the sky.

And soon disappeared, running into the forest.

"DON'T RUN AWAY. YOU COWARD! DON'T RUN AWAY! DON'T RUN! YOU DAMN DOLT! DAMN DOLT! YOU COWARD!" the younger man yelled out and [name] could feel her blood running cold then as she soon fell to her knees.

"Are you alright?" she heard a voice and she looked at the hand that was stretched out. Her grey eyes looked up slowly then and she noticed the man called 'Kyojuro' was holding his hand out.

"Rengoku Kyojuro, and you are?"

"Haruki [name]," she whispered out as she gently placed her hand into his warm ones and allowed him to pull her up then.

"Haruki as in spring, right? I would say that really suits you," Kyojuro spoke out and he chuckled as [name] blushed softly then and noticed how the younger man was coming up to her.

"Ah! You were really very brave! So brave!" and [name] noticed how the younger man had a slightly different aura compared to Kyojuro.

"Ah! Tanjiro! Kamado Tanjiro!" he said with a smile and [name] noticed, the fangs in his mouth.

"D-Demon too?" she whispered out, clearly fearing for her life and her body trembled then as she soon fainted.

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