㊐ 02. ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ꜱʟᴀʏᴇʀ ᴄᴏʀᴘꜱ

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"Where are you bringing me to?" [name] asked as she followed Kyojuro closely then. She had on a slight pout as Kyojuro was just chuckling away and he had insisted on her to get ready as he wanted to bring her out, which [name] still had no idea on where she was going.

"Rengoku-san?" she called out and her grey eyes widened as she tripped over a pebble then, and she started to fall forward, only to brace herself for the impact that never came. She felt warmth around her body then and she noticed how there was a pair of muscular arms around her body, and she slowly tilted her head up and she noticed how Kyojuro had on that beaming smile still.

"Be careful, are you hurt?" he asked, and [name] slowly shook her head as her face started to turn red then. She then stood up properly and Kyojuro chuckled then as he grabbed hold of her hand in his and pulled her along instead, which [name] then remained silent as she continued to walk with him instead.

Not daring to part her lips to speak at all.

[name] then noticed how they were walking down a pathway that was so foreign to her, and eventually, she noticed the stone walls surrounding a particular area. She then felt Kyojuro chuckling once again as they arrived at the opening, which she could only safely assume that it was the entrance then.

"WE ARE HERE!" he called out and [name] looked utterly confused then. He then chuckled as he pulled her through the entrance and [name] continued to look confusedly then. She noticed many people wearing the same uniform that Tanjiro or Kyojuro had and with the nichirin blades strapped against their white belts too.

[name] could only then looked confusedly as Kyojuro eventually pulled her along and she noticed how she ended up in the courtyard and she looked around, trying to find some sort of familiarity and soon Kyojuro lets go of her hand and he spread his arms.

"Welcome, to the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters!" he shouted out and [name] could only cover her ears then at the loud voice coming from Kyojuro, and she slowly looked at him with her pair of grey eyes, whereas he was still just beaming as always with his pair of golden ones.

"AH! RENGOKU-SAN! RENGOKU-SAN! YOU ARE HERE!" and [name] quickly hid behind Kyojuro then as she noticed some people were running up to him at an insane speed. Her grey eyes laid upon a young woman with fair skin and round, light green eyes with a small mole beneath each of them.

[name] then noticed how her hair was in such a unique color. Long, pink hair that fades into a neon green color at the halfway point and she noticed how the woman had worn her hair into three thick braids.

"Rengoku! You brought someone with you!" and [name] shifted her grey eyes and she looked up to the tall man standing right next to the woman. She swallowed the lump in her throat then at how tall the man was, and how he had a bulky, muscular build with lightly-tanned skin.

"A beautiful one indeed too!" the man called out and [name] continued to grip onto Kyojuro's haori then and eventually she flipped it up and she hid beneath it as her hands not clutched against Kyojuro's uniform instead of the haori, causing him to have his golden eyes to widen at her sudden actions.

"R-Rengoku-san... Why are we here?" she whispered out and Kyojuro could only turn then and he pulled [name] out from behind him with ease and placed an arm around her shoulders then as he flashed his friends a wide smile.

"Meet Haruki [name]! The brave soul who threw rocks at the Upper Moon Three!" and [name]'s grey eyes widened as she started to pound her tiny fists against Kyojuro's chest then.

"Rengoku-san! You shouldn't say that! Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed now!" she cried out and Kyojuro chuckled loudly then and [name] could only have an embarrassed look on her face and she quickly covered her face then.

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