㊐ 05. ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇᴍᴀᴛᴇꜱ

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"Inosuke! Don't go into that room!"


[name] groaned a little in response as she woke up with the sunlight hitting her directly in her face. She yawned and slowly opened her grey eyes, only to notice that her crow was awake and beside her futon, ready to report to her anything that Shinobu might need from her. She then yawned once more and got up, with her crow perched on her shoulder as she walked out of her room.

"What the hell is going on...?" [name] thought to herself as she looked at what was going on in her humble Wisteria House through the hallway. She could hear the running footsteps of whoever was present in the house, and she turned to walk back into her room as she continued to hear the running footsteps, only to slide open the door that led to the patio, and she raised an eyebrow.

There was Tanjiro who was trying to grab hold of Inosuke, and Zenitsu who was giving chase as well. [name] then noticed the dirty hands of Inosuke, realizing what was going on, [name] could only sigh then with a smile on her face.

"Good morning," she said with a smile.

"GOOD MORNING, [NAME]!" and [name] flinched upon hearing the loud booming voice of the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro and she turned to look down the patio and her grey eyes laid upon the huge baggage he was carrying. She then ran up to him and stood before him then, which he soon placed his large warm hand on her head and ruffled it gently.

"Why are you here, Rengoku-san?" she asked and Kyojuro chuckled.

"I'M MOVING IN HERE!" he called out and [name]'s grey eyes widened at what he had just said then. She tilts her head a little in confusion and her pink-tinted lips parted slightly at what she heard coming from the Flame Hashira's mouth.

"Moving in here?" she repeated, and Kyojuro nodded his head enthusiastically.

"YES! BECAUSE IT IS MUCH BETTER TO BE LIVING WITH YOU SO THAT YOU CAN ATTEND MY WOUNDS IMMEDIATELY! AND WATCH ME GET BETTER!" he yelled out and [name] could only cover her ears then as Kyojuro had yelled so loudly that she felt her eardrums were going to split.

"Haruki-san! We are living here too!" and [name] could only have her pink-tinted lips parted then as she turned to look at Tanjiro who managed to grab hold of his friends in his arms, ensuring that they wouldn't run away at all.

"Wahh, this is going to be so chaotic," [name] whispered out as she soon walked to wash up instead, leaving the boys to themselves as they had to unpack their baggage then. [name] could only shrug her shoulders then as she proceeded to wash up, preparing for the hectic day that awaits her soon enough.

"Wahh, suddenly it seems so lively here," [name] mumbled to herself as she could hear the sounds of movements happening in the humble Wisteria House, and she could hear voices then.

And soon she came out and entered her office. A smile appearing on her face then as she slid opened the door that led to the patio to air out her office and soon settled down onto her chair as she started to work.

Only to feel someone, or rather, four pairs of eyes staring at her.

"Yes?" [name] called out as she turned to look at Kyojuro and the others who were staring at her, and [name] had on a gently smile then as she rested her elbow against the table and rested her head against her hand that was propped up as well.

"What can I do for you?" she asked, and [name] noticed how Inosuke was quietly pointing towards his stomach and [name] was rather surprised at how quiet the young demon slayer was, given how she remembers him always yelling at the top of his lungs every now and then.

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