㊐ 11. ʀᴇʟᴜᴄᴛᴀɴᴛ

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"Must you really go?" [name] mumbled out as she set down the trays of food that she had prepared for everybody who lived in the Wisteria House then. She then noticed how Kyojuro, Tanjiro, and the others were looking towards her with a gentle look on their faces instead, and Genya was busy helping her in setting up the spread that she had personally prepared.

"Ah... [name]... Don't give that sad look, it will make it even much more difficult for us," Kyojuro spoke out and [name] could only swallow the lump in her throat then. She then slowly parted her pink-tinted lips slightly, and soon shook her head a little then and she soon put on a wide smile despite the tears that welled up at the corner of her eyes.

"Please come back safely," she whispered out and both Kyojuro and Tanjiro could only look at her then. A deep sense of guilt wavering through their veins as they looked at how worried [name] was, although she had done quite a lot for them.

But they will still have to fight till the very end to ensure that no more demons will exist in this world, and ever again.

"Don't worry, Haruki-san! We will definitely come back!" Tanjiro said with a smile and [name] nodded her head then as she soon pressed her lips into a fine thin line and started to hand out the cutlery towards everybody else.

"Eat up, you will need the energy,"

One could tell, she was very reluctant with the fact that she has to watch them head out into a battle that they have no idea whether it would be the final, and whether they would return safely to her as well.

"Please, just be safe," she whispered out softly then and soon she heard the sound of crows fluttering, and her grey eyes widened as the demon slayers and Kyojuro stood up abruptly despite being in the middle of their dinner, and she could only press her lips into a fine thin line.

"Emergency! Emergency! Head over to the Ubuyashiki Estate! Kibutsuji Muzan is present!" the crows announced and [name] listened to the running footsteps then, only to feel two hands on her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"We will be back, Haruki-san/[name]," and [name] sighed as she watched them take their leave and disappear before she could say anything, and Genya knelt down beside [name], gently holding her in his arms as she started to break down.

How terrified she was as she could only imagine the worst although they were very strong.

"Please... Please... Just come back safely," she whispered out, terribly afraid of what might be happening then. And Genya could only gently pat [name] on the head as he tried to calm her down. He too wanted to head over to where he believes he could help.

But given how [name] had convinced him along with his older brother accepting him when he is going to help out in terms of medical attention, it felt as if he had reached his goal. But somehow, looking at [name] breaking down in front of him, he felt like he was doing his part at all.

"Genya... Where's your gun? I'm very worried," she whispered out and Genya's eyes widened as he watched as [name] stood up, not bothering to eat the food that was prepared, and soon walked out towards the patio where there was not a single breeze present.

"I have a bad feeling..." she whispered out and soon entered her office as Genya had gone into his room to retrieve his gun and soon came back to where [name] was, and handed it to her.

"I'm very worried, Genya... What am I going to do?" she whispered out and Genya could only press his lips into a fine thin line then as he quickly grabbed hold of a vial and opened it, knowing very well that it was a sleeping gas that would knock [name] out.

"I apologize, Haruki-san. But to ensure that you wouldn't risk your life, I have to make sure you stay here," he whispered out and soon watched as [name]'s grey eyes slowly closed and her body soon slumped over her table instead.

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