㊐ 01. ꜰᴏᴏᴅ

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The sound of birds chirping and fluttering of wings was heard

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The sound of birds chirping and fluttering of wings was heard. [name] could only groan slightly due to the heat that was shining upon her body then. She felt hot, too hot for her liking, and her grey eyes slowly twitched as she turned to face her back against the sunlight. She then slowly opened her grey eyes, only to blink in confusion then.

She noticed how she was laying in a futon, in a room unknown to her. The first thing that came to her mind was sitting up immediately and checking if her clothes were still on her skin, which she noticed, it was still present. She heaved a sigh of relief then as she looked around, trying to understand where she had ended up in.

"Where am I?" she mumbled out as she looked around the room. Her eyes soon laid upon a tray of tea and some slices of cake along with a note stuck beneath the plate. Curiosity burning through her veins then, she slowly picked up the note and read it.

"Please have some tea and refreshments, and do not leave the house until we come back," she whispered out to herself and noticed how it had Kyojuro and Tanjiro's name on it. [name] then looked towards the front as her body slouched forward then.

"Kyojuro? Tanjiro?" she spoke out, trying to remember who they were, or how they looked like. She tilts her head a little then, still having the confused look on her face and she soon scrunched her nose up as well.

And soon the memories of her throwing rocks at a demon entered through her mind and her grey eyes widened slightly then as she soon realized what a stupid stunt she had done then.

"Ahhhhhh! I could have gotten myself killed, oh gosh," [name] mumbled out with a slight pout and soon sighed as she reached over to enjoy some slices of cake and sipped on some green tea that was now cold as she had just woken up.

"Hm... If I'm not supposed to leave this house... How long am I supposed to wait? Wahhh, I'm hungry too," [name] mumbled out as her stomach started to grumble then.

"Uh... I hope there is something I can cook here then," she mumbled to herself and soon stood up, walking around the house then that she was not familiar with and eventually ended up in the kitchen. Her grey eyes lit up then as she noticed how there were ingredients available then.

"Wahhh, this is a lot! I can make a feast out of this," [name] mumbled to herself with a smile on her face then as she proceeded to wash her hands. She then grabbed hold of the vegetables and proceeded to wash them carefully, and soon she looked around.

"I smell something very floral..." [name] mumbled to herself and soon shrugged her shoulders in response instead.

With much love and tender care for her appetite that was considered to be huge for her size, she started to prepare a wide spread of food that she knew she could finish them either way. A wide smile appeared on her face then as she started to chop up the vegetables and soon marinated whatever she needed to do so. She then stopped and sniffled slightly, as she continued to mix the meat together with the seasonings she had prepared.

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