㊐ 08. ᴄᴀʀᴇ

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"Oh dear, I'll see you soon Tanjiro-kun, Inosuke-kun, and Zenitsu-kun!" [name] called out as the three demon slayers were being brought out of the Wisteria House by the kakushis as instructed by Shinobu as they were still heavily wounded and [name] could only laugh then as Tanjiro was actually still knocked out.

Has yet to wake up ever since the day he got home.

She then let out a sigh then as she soon shut the main door and proceeded to turn to look at Kyojuro who was standing on the patio looking at her with droopy eyes instead. [name] then frowned slightly at the way he was acting and she quickly went up to him and placed her hand onto his forehead.

"Rengoku-san! You are having a fever!" [name] cried out as she quickly ushered him into the Wisteria House and made him enter his room and lay in the futon. His golden eyes then watched as [name] ran out of the room and he could only let out a soft chuckle then.

He felt terribly weak. And to make it worst, Senjuro was coming over to visit as well.

"Oh dear, how did he get such a high fever?!" [name] cried out as she flipped through her office vials and soon found the necessary items and soon packed them into the basket as she ran back into his room and placed it beside him. Kyojuro then chuckled as [name] ran out again, which he can only assume that she has run to get a basin filled with water and a washcloth as well.

"There! Here! I'll nurse you back to health, don't worry!" [name] said with a smile and Kyojuro could only smile weakly then as he looked at [name]'s wide gentle smile as his heart pounded hard against his chest then.

She was so bright, he believed she was much more cheerful and positive than him.

It was as if he was looking at the sun too.

He then felt a slight tug on his yukata and he turned his head a little up to look and noticed how [name] had on a slight pout then on her face. He could feel his heart pounding hard against his chest as he looked at the way [name]'s pink-tinted lips were parted.

"You are worrying me too!" she cried out and Kyojuro had on an apologetic look then.

"Ah... I'm sorry..." he whispered out as he watched [name] grabbing hold of the cloth and rinse it in the basin filled with water, wringing it dry and folded it nicely, placing it on his forehead then.

"Don't worry! I won't inject you just yet, you have yet to cause so much trouble for me still," [name] spoke out with a wide smile and she gently placed her small hand against his face and pinched his cheek a little.

"Get well soon, here have the medicine first," [name] spoke out as she soon mixed the medicine together and gently pried opened Kyojuro's mouth and slipped the medicine into it, where she soon poured some water into his mouth for him to down the liquid medicine too.

"This isn't that bitter. Or is it because I'm sick that I can't taste much?" he mumbled out and [name] laughed softly as she shook her head.

"It isn't bitter. I made this medicine for stubborn ones who refuses to drink bitter medicine," [name] spoke out and Kyojuro chuckled softly then as [name] soon patted him on the face once again and he watched as she took her leave.

"Get some sleep, I'll be back to check on you later," [name] spoke out and Kyojuro smiled weakly as [name] soon shut the door to his room, only to leave a little gap for ventilation purposes then. [name] then hummed a tune to herself as she entered her office and noticed how her crow was waiting for her there.

"Ah! Kocho-san ran out of the bases?" [name] asked and her crow nodded her head in response and she hummed in response then as she sat down and grabbed hold of the mortar and pestle, grabbing hold of the herbs that she uses for the bases and soon started to grind them.

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