㊐ 03. ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ

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"Wahh, they really made the changes so quickly." [name] spoke out as she entered the Wisteria House that had been upgraded within a single night then and she had stayed at the Butterfly Estate for that night, speaking to Shinobu in regards to the medicines that were being made there, and Shinobu was rather impressed with the medical knowledge that [name] had possessed.

"Wahh, there are so many vials too for me to use! Hai! I must not slack off then!" [name] said with a wide smile as she soon rummaged through the bag that she had with her the entire time ever since she was brought into the Wisteria House by Kyojuro and Tanjiro. She hummed with a soft tune then as she flipped through her bag and eventually brought out her notebook.

"Hm... Kocho-san said the base for the infected wounds has changed slightly, maybe I should make those for her first since the demon slayers always get hurt," [name] spoke out and suddenly she heard fluttering noises and she turned to look. Her grey eyes widened slightly as she noticed a crow was on the patio then, right outside her office.

"Ah? Are you the one who will be helping me in delivering the medicine bases to Kocho-san?" she asked and she watched as the crow nodded her head in response. She smiled as she motioned for the crow to come in closer then and she soon frowned.

"Ara, you're injured too! Oh dear, hold on let me get for you something. Let me swab the blood off you first, okay?" she spoke out and the crow lifted her wings up and [name] gently got a sample of her blood, and soon took a sniff of it and she tilts her head a little.

"Yah! This is not blood. You aren't even injured, you were playing in the tomato patch!" she scolded and the crow laughed in response then, which [name] could only roll her eyes at.

"You got me worried for nothing," [name] mumbled out and the crow could only then hop onto her shoulder and nuzzled her head against the side of [name]'s face as she had on a slight pout then.

"Now, let's see! We will need some echinacea root, some valerian because Mother always says it's good to put it in so that when people use it, they would relax," [name] spoke out as she easily grabbed hold of the ready herbs that was present in her new office then.

"Ohh, it smells sweet, doesn't it?" she asked the crow and she giggled as the crow nodded her head in response then, doing a little dance and [name] could only laugh softly then.

"Does it make you feel relax? It sure does for me," she mumbled out and the crow could only spread her wings in response, as if agreeing with what [name] was saying.

"Oh? I hear running footsteps. Ah, it's Kamado-san!" [name] called out and she turned as she had finished grinding the herbs together and needed it to sit for sometime in order to infuse the base and [name] had on a wide smile as indeed, Tanjiro was present.

"Kamado-san! You're here! I haven't seen you for quite some time!" [name] called out with a wide smile and Tanjiro's dark red eyes widened slightly at what [name] had just said and he awkwardly placed the box that held Nezuko down onto the patio where it was mostly shaded.

"How has Nezuko been?" [name] asked as she stood up from her seat and walked towards where Tanjiro was and frowned slightly then when she noticed he was holding onto his haori instead of wearing it. 

"Kamado-san? Is there anything I can do for you?" and [name]'s grey eyes widened slightly as she could hear the pounding of Tanjiro's heart against his chest then.

"Does your haori need patching up?" she asked, and Tanjiro nodded slightly. [name] then smiled and soon held her hand out, as an indication that she would be doing the patching up and Tanjiro's dark red eyes lit up then as he carefully handed his haori to her.

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