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"Wahh! Why did you flick my forehead!" [name] cried out as she covered her forehead with her hands as she whined out at Sanemi who had flicked her forehead harshly after she had finished patching him up.

"BECAUSE YOU FUCKING HELL KEEP THINKING YOU CAN DEFEAT DEMONS BY THROWING ROCKS AT THEM! AND GENYA! WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER FROM THROWING ROCKS?!" Sanemi yelled out and Genya flinched, whereas [name] pinched Sanemi harshly on the arm then, causing him to yelp in pain.

"FERAL MAN! GO TO SLEEP!" she yelled out and soon stood up despite the numerous amount of cuts she had sustained from participating in the battle and she ran about, and her grey eyes laid upon Tanjiro and Kyojuro then.

"TANJIRO-KUN! RENGOKU-SAN!" she cried out as she ran towards them and soon engulfed them tightly in a tight hug, and they could only chuckle softly at how [name] was acting, given how they had to witness her throwing rocks at Kibutsuji Muzan as well.

"HEY! BACK OFF! DON'T HURT THEM YOU MONSTER!" [name]'s voice was heard as she arrived and threw rocks at Kibutsuji Muzan who was about to send a shockwave towards Tanjiro and Kyojuro, only for her to distract him then.

Causing Kibutsuji Muzan to grow enraged at a normal girl who didn't possess any natural talent in slaying demons, and he wanted to attack her, only to have Genya firing the gun at him, and Kibutsuji Muzan's eyes could only widen as the bullets that Genya had in his guns, were customed made by [name].

Toxic fumes that were enhanced with Sanemi's marechi blood, rendering him unable to concentrate on attacking then.

"Wahh! You are both bleeding so much! Tanjiro-kun, come! Let's inject you with the cure!" [name] cried out and she could only have her eyes widened as she felt arms wrapped around her body then and she was pulled into a tight hug as well.

"We promised, didn't we? We survived," Kyojuro spoke out with a smile as he looked at [name] who was glowing as the sun was shining from behind her. His golden eyes along with Tanjiro's dark red eyes continued to look then, and [name] could only have tears rolling down her face.

"Wahhh! No more! No more demons, no more!" she cried out.

"Now that the final battle is over, who is she going to choose?" Tengen asked as he was being supported by his wives then as he gathered with the other Hashiras who were being treated by the kakushis and Genya as well, and they could only watch the adorable scene before them.

"I wonder too, it seems like it's going to be a difficult choice," Shinobu whispered out as she was being supported by Kanao as the kakushi was trying to wrap up the bleeding wound she had sustained then.

The sound of [name] crying was heard throughout the city, and the Hashiras could only watch as she continued to cry.

How much she cared for each of them was rather surprising, since she wasn't part of the Corps as long as them, but she sure did play an important role in their lives. And to Kyojuro and Tanjiro, she played the most important role.

The reason why they were always trying so hard, was because of her.

How she became the sun in their lives, brightening their days despite it being all dark. She didn't even need to ask how they were doing and such, just her existence and appearance before them, they were contented with it.

And they felt bliss to have her always running to them to ensure that they weren't injured in any sort of way, or she would quickly patch them up.

It was a clear sign, her soul was the most beautiful to them.


"Look, Rengoku-sensei is waiting for Kamado-sensei again," a girl pointed out as they looked at Kyojuro who was carrying his work bag on his shoulder as he was using his phone then, reading the messages he had received earlier on.

"Gomen, Rengoku-sensei! Sorry for keeping you waiting," Tanjiro called out as he was seen running up towards the History teacher with his work bag in his hands as well. Whereas Kyojuro had on a beaming smile as he looked at Tanjiro then.

"LET'S GO HOME, KAMADO MY BOY!" he called out and Tanjiro nodded his head vigorously. Only for them to turn and their eyes widened as it laid upon a particular woman who had grown over the years, with her auburn hair now much longer than before, and how her grey eyes held nothing but kindness and happiness in them.

"Isn't that the famous doctor? She's beautiful!" and she could only smile in response then as she looked at the students and gave them a small wave, causing them to blush a little in response.

"Kyojuro! Tanjiro!" she called out and all the students stopped in their movements as they turned to look at her who had called out to the teachers. Their eyes could only widen then as Kyojuro and Tanjiro took off running towards her at a fast speed.

That's when they noticed, the same wedding band on [name]'s ring finger as well.

"She's so lucky!" some students commented as Kyojuro came over and picked her up with ease, hugging her tightly and twirling her around, whereas Tanjiro had on a worried expression, afraid that [name] might feel dizzy.

"Wahh! Kyojuro, put me down! I might get dizzy!" [name] called out and she soon giggled as Kyojuro placed her down with ease and she brought them in for a tight hug.

"You got off work early today!" Tanjiro spoke out and [name] laughed softly then as she tiptoed and ruffled Tanjiro's head a little.

"I can't possibly be working on one of my husband's birthday, right?" [name] asked with a giggle and Tanjiro's eyes widened at what [name] had said and he couldn't help but engulf her in a tight hug and twirl her around as well.

"Wow, it's so fucking bright. I'm going blind," Sanemi muttered as he stood beside Giyuu as they watched the romantic scene before them and how [name] was smiling so widely.

"Maybe that's why she is the sun in their lives," Giyuu added on as he watched as well.

"Let's go home and eat! I'll prepare lots of food!" [name] said out with a smile as she grabbed hold of both her husbands hands and dragged them along then.

"FOOD!" they called out and chuckled as they quickly made their way to Kyojuro's car and proceeded to drive home instead.

"Wahh, things have been advancing so much. There are so much new technology, I feel so old now," [name] spoke out as she looked out of the window, and her husbands could only laugh at how she was admiring the view.

Not realizing that she was the view that they admired the most.

Because in their lives, she was the sun.

And they needed only her to brighten their lives.

The End

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