㊐ 06. ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛꜱ

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"[name]? Why are you up so early?" Kyojuro mumbled out as he had came into the kitchen to get a glass of water, only to notice how [name] was busy cooking then. He then watched as she turned to look at him and she had a smile on her face.

"You are going on a mission right? Zenitsu and Inosuke are too. I'm preparing some food for you so that you won't be starving along the way," [name] spoke out and Kyojuro could only chuckle softly at how kind [name] was being and he continued to watch what she was doing.

"I put in extra for yours," she spoke out and placed a finger against her lips then, and Kyojuro could only chuckle softly at how generous and cheeky she was sometimes. And he couldn't help it but his heart started to pound hard against his chest once again as he looked at [name] wrapping up the bento box and soon walked up to him.

"Go and get ready, I'll see you when you come back. Do come back with minor injuries if not you might be giving me a heart attack," she spoke out and Kyojuro nodded his head and soon placed his large hand onto her head and ruffled it slightly.

"Wah, I still remember I need to give Iguro-san a checkup as well," [name] spoke out and she tilts her head a little then, wondering why did the Serpent Hashira request for her to do the checkup instead of Shinobu.

"Ah, he must be afraid of Kocho-san injecting him as well, since she often does that when you lots create so much trouble for her girls," [name] spoke out and she giggled then when Kyojuro patted her on the head once again.

"I'll see you,"


"Where are we going, Tanjiro-kun?" [name] asked as Tanjiro had grabbed hold of [name]'s hand in his and was bringing her out of the Wisteria House where she resided in with them. She was utterly afraid that Obanai might come running out and start hurling profanities at the lower-ranked demon slayer, and along with threatening to kill him, or even try to kill him for causing [name] to be unable to do the checkup on him that Shinobu had insisted for the Hashiras to get.

And she needed the reports by the end of today.

"I'm bringing you out to clear your mind of all the uneasiness you have. Don't worry about Iguro-san, I had requested help from Kanroji-san to help me with it, and she was very happy to help me out," Tanjiro commented, and [name] soon started to relax, and she looked down at their hands where Tanjiro had intertwined them without her knowing.

"I just want to make sure you're okay. Since you are always dealing with us having wounds, and sometimes the wounds are so disturbing, I wonder if you ever get thrown off by them," Tanjiro explained as he realized [name] had turned silent for quite a while, and he could smell the scent of confusion emitting from her.

"We're here," and [name] noticed they were at the entrance of the town that was just down the path from where the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters was. Tanjiro then smiled as he noticed [name] had on a soft smile as she looked at the number of stores that were around.

"This is the new candy shop that I had encountered a few days ago when I was walking around with Kanao and Zenitsu, I thought that maybe you would like to see it since I do often see you eating candies," Tanjiro spoke out, and [name] could only smile in response and allowed Tanjiro to pull her into the shop then.

[name] was rather surprised that the shop wasn't crowded inside, given how new it was. She thought it would be crowded, but in fact, it was empty right now. There were no customers at all. The moment the duo had entered the shop, Tanjiro noticed [name] was missing.

Starting to panic, but he soon heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her at the counter where the owner of the shop was making the candies right from scratch, allowing customers to have a view on how it has been made. The owner then chuckled as he looked at [name]'s wide-opened grey eyes.

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