~ Dates and Second Chances ~

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Chapter 12
~ Dates and Second Chances ~
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Katsuki POV:

Izuku didn't come to school the next day, leaving an already worried Katsuki to panic over why. Was it his fault? Was Izuku avoiding him? Was Izuku... scared of him?

The mere prospect of Izuku being scared of him hurt Katsuki deeply, even if he couldn't figure out why. He knew he deserved it, in fact he deserved much worse. He had been so desperate for his mother's praise that he had hurt the only person that had ever loved Katsuki for who he was and not for his quirk and alpha status. The only other person that had done that was Shoto, and he had only met him for the first time three months ago. Izuku had stuck by him for a year or two after Katsuki abandoned him, always trying to rebuild the scattered rubble of their friendship, and Katsuki loathed him for it. He always felt like Izuku was looking down on him, judging him for his cold and aloof personality. The omega was always so happy and forgiving, and Katsuki was the polar opposite. Katsuki was angry, prideful, and distant. He wanted to show the omega he was better than him, to force Izuku to think of himself as a lowly quirkless omega. And when everyone around him told him he was a powerful alpha, that his quirk was strong and dangerous? Well that just made everything so much worse. That's when the bullying started, and it seemed to get worse every year since.

His conversation with Shoto last night was enlightening to say the least. Previously he had thought his hatred of the green-haired omega sprouted from his belief that he was above him. But after a considerably long ranting session with his soulmate, he was provided with a new insightful perspective. His problems with Izuku ran deeper than a twisted superiority he got from his mother's bigotry and discrimination, they also came from Katsuki's incessant need to prove himself as worthy of the praise everyone gives him. To be the strong powerful alpha everyone told him he was. By the time the sun had risen in the early hours of the morning and Katsuki had snuck out of the Todoroki manor, he knew he would have to make it up to his childhood friend.

He had hurt Izuku so badly and had never once cared. Yet, when he saw the dark bruise on the omega's face his instincts -- for whatever strange reason -- demanded he protect the omega. Of course Izuku was scared of Katsuki's unusual reaction, he probably thought Katsuki was trying to hurt him. He knew there could be no limits to what he would do to earn back his trust. Izuku deserved at least that from him.

But of course, trying to earn that forgiveness was hard to do when Izuku didn't show up for school. And even more so when, upon arriving at the Midoriya household, he was informed by the omega's beta mother that he was working. But he promised himself he would find a way. And who knows, maybe when he did, Izuku would tell him who hit him.

Walking into class the next day, Katsuki was beyond relieved to find the nerd sitting at his desk. His face was completely mark free, but Katsuki knew behind a thick layer of makeup a dark purple bruise rested on his cheek bone, and the thought infuriated him. Katsuki sat down at his own desk and turned to face Izuku, who's head snapped up when he saw the blond alpha sit in front of him. But when their eyes met, Izuku quickly threw his head back down, focusing on whatever he was writing in his notebook. Katsuki ignored the slight pain in his chest at the omega refusing to look at him and started speaking.

"I meant it when I told you our conversation wasn't over, Deku," He said quietly to the boy, who continued to act like he couldn't hear him. "Meet me behind the school at the end of the day, it will only take five minutes. You better fucking be there!" Izuku didn't respond, but Katsuki knew he'd show up. The teacher walked into the room then, and Katsuki had to tear his eyes away from the omega to face him. But throughout the entirety of the day, his thoughts always remained half on Izuku Midoriya. And he hated the reaction he was having to the omega.

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