❄️ Chapter 1 ❄️

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"Well, hello, friends and fans... alright let's do that again... alright, well, hello, friends and fans! It's beyond awesome to have you guys all back this year. First off, I gotta say I am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual Blackwood winter getaway!

So, um... let me just let you know, let's take a moment to address the elephant in the room for a second... I know you're all probably worried about me... and I know it's gonna be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year... but – I just want you all to know... it means... it means so much to me that we're doing this.

And I... I know it would mean so much to Hannah and Beth that we're all still here together, thinking of them. I really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you. And share some moments that we'll never forget... for the sake of my sisters, you know?

February 2015:

Gwendolyn stared out the window of her car, her eyes set on the dark mountain ahead of her. Her attention, however, was also on what her father was talking about through her phone, scolding her for taking a sudden, unexpected trip away from home when she had just returned from university.

"Yes, father, I know that," Gwendolyn muttered. "I'm sorry, but I feel like I should be here... for some closure. It's been a year since that day... I know... Yes, I completed my practise, yes..."

Aside from keeping a perfect GPA at her university, Gwendolyn was expected by her parents to do well in her school's women's ice hockey team and also participate in nationwide in figure-skating.

It was one of those things that Gwendolyn had distracted herself with as she dealt with the disappearance of her best friend Beth and her sister, Hannah. It had certainly been quite difficult.

"I'll be careful, I know..." Gwendolyn replied. "Yes... no, it's just small trip – two days, two night, counting tonight... nothing will happen to me... yes, please let mother know, too... yes... goodbye,"

Silence fell in the car until it finally came to a stop right in front of the entrance of Blackwood Pines.

"Thank you," Gwendolyn said to her family's driver. "I'll get my stuff on my own, thank you," She grabbed her dark blue backpack and got out of the car, closing the door behind her.

The car drove off into the darkness and Gwendolyn looked down at her phone to see the time, knowing that she had arranged with Samantha to meet up before they headed off to the mountain. It almost nine, and the bus must definitely be on its way here so Gwendolyn stepped aside in wait.

"I can't believe we're back here again..." Gwendolyn muttered to herself, staring up at the looming Blackwood Mountain. She bit her lower lip and contemplated calling Christopher.

It had been a while since we met Joshua, huh? 
Now, all of a sudden, he's calling us here...

Suddenly, a bus came to stop nearby and Gwendolyn smiled when she saw Samantha make her way out of it. She waved over to the female and the two of them quickly reached each other for a hug.

"Sorry for being late, how are you doing, Gwen?" Samantha asked, rubbing Gwendolyn's arms. "It's been a while since I've seen you – well, aside from on the television,"

"I'm okay, I just got there as well," Gwendolyn replied. "What about you? How are you doing?"

"I've been fine," Samantha answered. "Come on, let's go, it's getting cold," Gwendolyn nodded in agreement as the two of them set off into the Blackwood Pines.

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