❄️ Chapter 2 ❄️

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Once the cable car reached the station atop the mountain, Gwendolyn, Samantha and Christopher all got out quickly and into the station. They checked for the door to lead them outside but found that it was locked. Christopher tried the keys he had on himself from below but to no avail.

"Maybe there is someone around here, we shouldn't have been so late," Gwendolyn said as she peered around through the window in the door. "Oh, there! Jessica!" She knocked on the door.

"Ahhh!" Jessica yelped, shocked. "What the hell?"

"Jessica!" Samantha called out loudly as Gwendolyn caught the female's attention with the knocking enough to come check out. "Over here!"

"Uh, are you guys having a really weird stroke?" Jessica asked, staring at the three of them through the glass, and Gwendolyn recalled that Jessica wasn't very good at making jokes.

"We're stuck in this stupid thing," Christopher told her.

"Can you please let us out?" Samantha asked. "Pretty please?"

"You scared me, Gwen, you look like a ghost!" Jessica said as she shook her head at them and pressed the button next to the door to allow them outside. "Get a tan sometime, will you?"

"Just because I'm a bit pale," Gwendolyn breathed, scrunching up her nose.

"Oh. My. God," Christopher said dramatically as they stepped out onto the mountain. "I thought we were goners, another ten minutes in there and I would've chewed off my own leg,"

"Aw, sick, Chris," Samantha complained, who was decidedly vegan.

"Look, I got a lot of meat on my bones," Christopher pointed out. "This is all muscle down here – I've out-done you, too, Gwennie," Gwendolyn raised her eyebrows at him.

"Try attempting a triple-axel on ice and I'll believe you," Gwendolyn responded with surprisingly amount of sudden pride. "Until then, I can't take you serious,"

"You always get so competitive when it comes to sports, huh?" Christopher asked, and taking use of the distraction, reached out to swipe away Jessica's letter from her hand swiftly.

"Hey!" Jessica complained just as Samantha exclaimed, "Chris!"

"I'm just doing like Sam taught me..." Christopher replied and Gwendolyn shook her head. "Other people's private thoughts are my own personal playground,"

"Don't be a jerk," Samantha said as Christopher checked out the letter.

"My goodness," Christopher said, holding up his index finger to halt them. "Seems like someone has a lil crush on our good friend and dear class president Michael Munroe,"

"Another one?" Gwendolyn muttered to herself, who was distastefully reminded of what Jessica had planned for Hannah just last year for having a crush on Michael.

"Aaand what kind of sizzling erotica might our Jessica be capable of imagining?" Christopher questioned, gesturing offhandedly at Jessica. "I wonder...?"

"Mike and Em split," Jessica responded. "We're together,"

"Woah, drama," Christopher said dramatically.

"Not really," Jessica insisted. "Pretty clear cut, actually, Em's out. I'm in," Gwendolyn and Samantha shared a look with each other as the girl went ahead and snatched her letter back from Christopher.

"Alright, alright, let's just get up to the lodge already," Christopher gave up, waving his hand around. "Getting tired of all this nature and junk,"

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