❄️ Chapter 11 ❄️

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"Shhh!" the stranger warned Gwendolyn and Emily as he grabbed onto Emily's arm again, but the younger girl on the other hand was already reaching for the deodorant to spray at him. "QUIET!" He suddenly let go of Emily and whipped around as they heard growling sounds nearing them.

"What the fuck?!" Gwendolyn asked when she saw, through the panels of the wooden board, a strange creature making its way around toward the man. "What the hell is that?"

"Use these!" the stranger said as he threw a bag at the girls. "And get the hell out of here... now!"

Before Gwendolyn could really respond to him, she was pulled back by Emily and the two girls went falling down a ledge, smacking around against the ground as they rolled down the slope until they hit the ground. Gwendolyn groaned slightly and pushed herself to sit up and saw the bag lying near.

"Flares?" Gwendolyn muttered when she realised what the bag contained. She activated on and pulled Emily onto her feet. "Come on, there's some creature out here – we need to run!"

Gwendolyn slung the bag of flares around her shoulders, and the two of them went rushing down the path that was going yet elsewhere. By now, the young girl was getting more and more agitated – feeling as if they were fated to run circles around here for days before they even got a chance out.

And the feeling got only worse as the two girls walked endlessly through the mines, unable to find a way or even a branched passaged to any other shaft.

It was crookedly curving, cold and continuous.

"How long do we have to walk?" Emily asked Gwendolyn in a rather small voice. "Where even are we, Gwen? What if we end up like Beth and Hannah, Gwen? What will we do?"

"Nothing will happen to us, let's go on," Gwendolyn assured her, holding onto her hand as they walked through the mine with the flare's red light illuminating their way. "We'll get out of here,"

"What time is it?" Emily asked. "Is it dawn yet? What if the helicopter came by? What if they took others? Do you think they'd look for us? You did give your name, right?"

"It isn't dawn, yet," Gwendolyn replied, glancing down at her watch. "There are a few hours until then," She looked around the dead end they arrived. "Look at that gap – we can squeeze through,"

"Ok... ok, this is gonna be the way," Emily said. "But you go first,"

Gwendolyn nodded and easily squeezed through the gap, finding a proper, tight pathway behind it, structured off from the mine's lobby with wooden boards. She bit her lower lip, noticing movement on the other side. But the creature behind that movement didn't seem to care much for her, despite the fact that Gwendolyn was sure she was easily noticeable. The creature was more interested in –

Emily screamed as a sickly thin yet monstrous hand burst through the wooden boards and tried to grab the female, but Gwendolyn snatched Emily out of the way before it could do so. Letting out a string of curses, the two females went sprinting down the narrow pathway as fast as they could.

Similar arms burst out of several boards several times – but the two females managed to get out of there. However, the monster wasn't ready to let go of them as it finally revealed its entire form.

The creature was absolutely hideous – given what Gwendolyn in her first glance. It was strangely jointed with long limbs and a hunched back. Its skin was stretched tightly over those limbs, and it had no hair or any outward indication as to whether it was a male or a female. It was skeletal.

"Gwendolyn, what the fuck is that?!" Emily screeched as they dashed down the bridge and into another mine shaft, reaching a fork in their path – "Where to go now?!"

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