❄️ Chapter 3 ❄️

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Gwendolyn and Christopher entered the foyer and she shook her head when, rather than going on to look for the deodorant, Christopher decided to go to the front door to spook others. He peeked out of the door window to make sure that Samantha and Ashley were outside before going all –


"Hi, Chris, very funny," Samantha responded. "Hey, Gwen! Go ahead and give him a whack for me!"

"How did you know it was me?" Christopher asked, dodging Gwendolyn's punch aimed for his arm and pulling a face at her. "Do you think our Wendy-Boo isn't that humorously-gifted, eh, Sam?"

"Quite the contrary!" Samantha replied and Gwendolyn chuckled. "That's how I knew! Besides, shouldn't you be, like, getting the lock open or something?"

"On it!" Christopher responded. "Hey, Gwen, you can wait here – I'll go get the deodorant,"

"Sure," Gwendolyn said and switched on her phone's light to aid herself around the dark Great Room. She slowly walked around the place while Christopher walked off away from there.

Right behind the large staircase of the lodge, Gwendolyn noticed a photograph sitting on the table beside the cinema room. She walked over curiously and picked it up, only to find that it was an old picture of Beth, Josh and Hannah on a beach. She stared at them for a moment before turning it –

Aug '13 – Cape Cod

Josh with his lovely sisters,
Hannah + Beth.

Looking great, guys!


"Oh, I miss you all so much..." Gwendolyn breathed. "Beth... Hannah... and old good Joshua..." She ran her finger across Beth's face and sighed, putting it back onto the table.

There was also a film trophy sitting nearby and Gwendolyn glanced at it to see that it said –

Best Horror Film 2009

Dir. Bob Washington

Blood Monastery

"Despite everything that has happened," Gwendolyn said. "I had hoped Joshua would've distracted himself a bit by getting into the film school he wanted..."

The entire atmosphere was making Gwendolyn feel worse and worse. She felt hollow without the familiar, sweet laughter belonging to Beth. She missed her best friend every day, and all these things were just reminding her more and more of the regret she had inside for letting Beth go on her own.

"Huh?" Gwendolyn asked, noticing some sort of business card sitting on the table. She wondered if Joshua was working on something, and reached to pick it up. "What in the world?"

La Viande Meat Processing, Ltd.
Jack Mahoney 

Slaughterhouse Equipment Sales 555-0127

It made no sense to Gwendolyn as to why there would be the need for any one of the Washingtons to be ordering something like this. For a moment she wondered if someone in the police had dropped it on the way but it seemed too new to be by them. She turned it over, noticing an order:

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