❄️ Chapter 6 ❄️

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Gwendolyn came back around with a long, loud groan, reaching for her throbbing head only to find out that she couldn't move her dominant, left hand around. She quickly moved her right to see that it free and mobile. She pushed herself to sit up and looked around, finding that she was in a dusty, dark shed.

"What the hell...?" Gwendolyn breathed, looking down at her left hand to see that it had been handcuffed to a heavy metallic structure. She tried to pull her hand out of it to no avail.

All the pain in her head was still apparent – as the Chloroform usually had – but Gwendolyn didn't want to stick around for long, not after being unable to see Joshua, Christopher and Ashley around.

"Calm down," Gwendolyn assured herself. "Keep calm or everything will get fucked up," She looked around the shed for something that could help her with the handcuff. "What a kinky psycho,"

The handcuffs weren't that good, Gwendolyn was sure that she could squeeze her hand out from them as long as she got herself a lubricant – they weren't any different from the bangles she had worn that one summer holidays in India. She looked around the shed in the darkness carefully.

Foggy moonlight was flowing through one of the windows, and it didn't take long for Gwendolyn to realise that she was in one of the further sheds from the Washington Lodge. It stored all the bonfire equipment.

"Aha!" Gwendolyn cried out, noticing petroleum can sitting on a table nearby. "That's it! Come on!"

Pushing herself as far as she could go with her hand still stuck by lying down on the ground, Gwendolyn reached the rest of the way with her leg. She hooked her foot around the desk's nearest leg – and pulled. The desk wobbled weakly and fell over onto her legs, causing her to hiss in pain but there was no time to waste.

Gwendolyn pushed the desk off of her and wrapped her legs around the can, getting it close enough to grab with her right hand. She unscrewed it and poured it onto her handcuffed hand. She narrowed her hand and struggled a bit but successfully got her hand free from her restraints.

Wiping off the petroleum from her hand and checking the time, it was clear that Gwendolyn had been out of consciousness for at least thirty minutes. The psycho hadn't meant to kill her with that.

Is he gathering everyone?
Where's Joshua?

"Shit," Gwendolyn grunted as she pulled out her gloves and pulled on her gloves, knowing it was going to be a long trip in the snow once again. "Damn it – I hate that I prepared for this situation,"

Taking the door out of the shed seemed a bit stupid – what if the psycho had laid some sort of trap for her to walk right into. Gwendolyn, instead, unlocked the window and slid outside, landing on the snowy ground. She grabbed her head in pain and her grey eyes fell upon a cigarette butt below her.

"Cigarette?" Gwendolyn muttered as she picked up to inspect – it was barely a day old. "Strange... as far as I'm aware, none of us smoke – so where did this come from? Of course, that stupid psycho,"

However, before Gwendolyn could dwell on this for long, loud shouts distracted her. She held her breath, trying to decipher what was being said. It was difficult to make through the blowing wind:

The FUCK are you trying to do!? You want to ruin our fun THAT BAD?!"

It was Jessica's voice, and Gwendolyn didn't waste any time as she went running in the dark, being careful with placing her feet on solid ground as she headed for the cabin where Jessica was.

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