❄️ Chapter 7 ❄️

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They had come out to a large hall – seemingly the front lobby of the building – but it no longer looked as grand as it appeared in the old brochures. Now, it was in a horrendous condition with the walls and ceiling breaking apart, and debris littering the entire length of the room. Gwendolyn motioned Michael to a set of large oak doors in one corner, where they could hear movement.


Gwendolyn noticed an open slit in the door and peered through it with Michael to see the stranger lingering in there, throwing some food to his pet wolves and then walking away, leaving them to chow down. The two wolves didn't linger around for long, either. They picked the bones and left.

"Whoa, what the..." Michael muttered and grabbed the knob, trying to open the door but it didn't work out. "It's locked – not jammed. We need a security pass," Gwendolyn nodded.

"I feel like we'll it in that administration wing," Gwendolyn said, pointing at the hallway with the word 'Admin' over it, and the two of them headed that way until – "Wait a minute,"

Right next to the hallway was a table on top of which a very old piece of paper was laid out. Gwendolyn quickly picked it – being careful as well – and took a look at what was going on here:

4th January 1952
To: Sanatorium Staff 

From: Mr. Rouche RE: Rescue of Miners

Be advised that the miner rescue is due to be completed tomorrow (5th January). As the number of surviving miners is unknown, prepare all beds in Ward A.

The press shall be in attendance tomorrow. We must be seen to be giving the miners the best possible care.

Note that the press visitors are not to be allowed into the Psychiatric Ward.

Failure in this regard will reflect badly upon Mr. Bragg and the Sanatorium as a whole, and shall result in an on-the-spot dismissal.


"That's weird," Michael said as he read the letter over Gwendolyn's shoulder and she nodded in agreement, turning the paper over. "They just forced them all out?"

You'll need a nose peg.
Those guys smell awful!

"It's horrible," Gwendolyn replied as she placed the letter back down. "It's clear that they didn't want it to get out that there was a possibility they didn't save everyone – just to stay open,"

"What does that?" Michael asked, pointing out a plaque next to the admin area and Gwendolyn moved closer to have a look at what it was. "What language is that?"




"That's Latin," Gwendolyn answered, giving him a look that indicated that everyone should be able to understand it. "It means 'a healthy mind in a healthy body' – a motto, it appears,"

"Well, sorry for not understanding Latin," Michael responded as they made their way into the equally decrepit admin area. "Whoa, look at that, someone really wanted to take a peek inside,"

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