❄️ Chapter 13 ❄️

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For a moment, it was quiet in the room as everyone calm down from their high emotions. Gwendolyn didn't care how insane it sounded but she was going to do it and save Joshua. But then, suddenly, Samantha noticed Emily going through something at one of the corners of the room.

"Em, what is all that?" Samantha asked, and Gwendolyn turned around to see that Emily had pulled out a book and what looked to be a folded sheet of paper, along with everything else.

"It's that old guy's bag," Emily replied as Gwendolyn, Christopher, Samantha, Ashley and Michael hurried over to crowd around her to see what she was getting out.

"Is that a map?" Michael asked, noticing the piece of paper that Gwendolyn was unravelling.

"The guy was prepared for anything," Samantha commented.

"Not quite," Michael muttered.

"What is this place?" Samantha asked as she pointed out the Sanatorium, and turned to look at Gwendolyn and Michael as they reacted. "Wait, wait, wait, what is that?"

"Gwen and I were down there," Michael told her. "It was horrible," Samantha looked at Gwendolyn, who nodded. "Some of them survived, but like... fifteen of 'em didn't make it,"

"We found a lot of stuff down there," Gwendolyn said. "There was a reporter who found out about a possible huge cover-up going on by authorities and was arrested. And there were plans laid out, they clearly knew that the mine was death trap but they let the miners keep on working anyhow,"

"And... I'm not sure what it means, but..." Michael spoke up. "But we also found this chair, with dried blood all over the place... like somebody had been tortured, and strange skulls,"

"Gwendolyn, Michael," Emily interrupted, freaked out by their findings in the Sanatorium. "I'd like to maybe focus on how we're going to get the fuck out of here please?"

"This is the tunnel that connects the lodge to the Sanatorium," Gwendolyn pointed on the map. "That's where Mike and I came through all the way here," Michael nodded in agreement.

"We saw this when we were down there, didn't we?" Emily asked as she pointed out on the map to Gwendolyn. "That's where it lives, right?" She looked at the younger girl, who nodded again.

"Em, what is that?" Ashley asked suddenly.

"... huh?" Emily asked distractedly as she and Gwendolyn tried to locate the way they had taken.

"What is that?" Ashley repeated, stepping back as she pointed at Emily's neck. "Em... oh, my God! oh my God! oh my God! Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

"It's nothing," Emily said as everyone but Gwendolyn moved away from her. "It bit me and –"

"It bit you?" Ashley asked, freaking out. "What bit you?"

"The, ah... the Wendigo," Emily replied. "It's nothing, really, it's not a big deal –"

"You okay?" Samantha asked.

"Shit," Michaele cursed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Emily insisted as she looked toward Gwendolyn, begging for help and the younger female rubbed her shoulder assuredly. "Really – it's not that bad,"

"Em..." Michael interrupted them. "If that thing bit you..."

"I know what you're thinking, and I'm fine..." Emily replied.

"Are you?" Michael asked, not taking a single word of her seriously.

"Yes!" Emily shouted.

"Emily, at least let us check it out," Samantha said. "At least show it to Gwen – she's studying medicine, isn't she? She'll have a look at your injury and see if you're alright,"

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