❄️ Chapter 5 ❄️

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Gwendolyn removed her eyes from the strangeness she was noticing in Joshua's behaviour and toward Christopher and Ashley. She couldn't see anything or anyway that those two could be involved in such a horrible joke – not after everything that the poor fellow had already gone through.

But then, who was doing this? It wasn't her, that Gwendolyn knew, and she didn't want to imagine Joshua doing this, either. It made no sense for him to reopen his old wounds by doing this to them.

And there was no way that there was an actual ghost amongst them. There was no way of such –

"I don't know where to start..." Ashley spoke up, looking and sounding very conflicted.

"Think about it," Christopher told them. "If this is actually Hannah, I mean, we can find out what happened that night..." Gwendolyn felt better letting the souls just rest.

"Oh... kay..." Ashley replied. "Umm... Let me think..." She took a deep breath. "Hannah... we miss you...and we want to know what happened to you. Can you tell us...what happened?"

The planchette began to move again and Gwendolyn followed it around, quickly reading out, "B – E – T – R – A – Y – E – D – Betrayed?"

"I don't like this," Ashley told them, distraught.

"Uh, oh," Christopher breathed out. "... betrayed...?"

"What does she mean –" Joshua started.

"It's still going!" Christopher exclaimed, and Gwendolyn quickly followed the planchette for the next word that was being spelled out for them.

"K – I – L – L – E – D –" Gwendolyn cut herself off as she realised what she spelling out and across from her, Ashley choked out a horrified cry.

"Killer?" Joshua asked.

"We didn't KILL them!" Ashley cried out. "It was just a prank!"

"Ash, calm down, okay?!" Christopher assured the redhead quickly. "Just – we need to find out more!!" Gwendolyn was feeling immensely turned off now.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!" Ashley continued to cry, unable to be placated.

"Guys, guys..." Joshua interrupted them, and Gwendolyn glanced at him. "... what do they mean?"

"Ask them what happened," Christopher urged Ashley. "It's the only way to know! Ask them, Ash!!"

"Okay," Hannah replied, gaining herself back. "Okay. How did you die?" Gwendolyn bit her lower lip at how insensitive that sounded. "Hannah, what happened to you?"

Again, the planchette began to move rapidly, and Gwendolyn read it out, "L – I – B – R – A – R – Y –"

"Library!" Christopher exclaimed. "Maybe there's something in the library here –"

"Wait, it's going on," Gwendolyn said. "P – R – O – O – F –"

"Proof," Christopher pointed out. "There's... there's... there's proof!"

"In the library?" Ashley asked.

But they were all distracted when the planchette and the spirit board began to shake rapidly until the planchette flew from underneath their fingers and off to the ground, causing Gwendolyn, Joshua and Christopher to fall back into their chairs in surprise while Ashley jumped away from the table.

"Watch out!!" Joshua exclaimed.

"Whoa!" Christopher shouted.

"Holy shit," Ashley freaked out. "Chris!"

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