3. Egghead and his nuclear bomb

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March 1986

I'm hiding in a tree. I peek through the leaves to see how my dad is looking up. He knows I'm in one of trees. He just doesn't know which one.

"Kate! Kate! You can come out now! Everything is fine. I won't hurt you!"

But I'm not buying it. I may only be three years old, but I'm not stupid.

"Mick, where's your sister?" Dad asks my brother, who is walking right behind him.

"I don't know." He replies.

Dad sighs in response, getting more and more frustrated. I know from experience that getting dad frustrated is only gonna cause me more trouble.

"Kate!" He screams, dropping the friendly act.

"Come out of the trees, now, or you're in serious trouble!"

Even though I'm incredibly scared, I do find this somewhat funny. Dad is screaming at the oak tree, which isn't the one I'm hiding in.

And it doesn't really matter what he says anymore, because I know I'm already in trouble. What I don't know is why sneaking into the kitchen at night for some chocolate is such a big deal. He doesn't eat it...

But I know I have to get out of here. So when dad is facing the oak tree again, I swallow all of my fear and jump out of my current tree. I do it without a single noise. I've had a lot of practice and I've gotten really good at this. The second I've landed, I run to the fence and climb over it.

Mick's P.O.V.

Dad is still looking for her. He won't give up easily, we both know that. I honestly don't even think she's still in the trees. Something I'm definetly not telling dad.

After about ten minutes, the doorbell rings. Dad sighs and goes inside to open the door. I'm right behind him. To my suprise, the person on the other end of the door is Kate.The little ninja managed to sneak out. And now she came back with this strange woman.

"Hey, daddy, you remember Ms. Collins right? The friendly social workster that lives around the block?" She says in a sweet voice. The look on dad's face has me struggling to hold in my laughter.

But dad quickly gets himself together. "Yes, I do sweetie." He says. I can hear the annoyance in his voice, which the social workster clearly can't.

"Hello, Mr. Rory. It's nice to see you again." She says.

"I ran into her and since you're making your delicious lasagna tonight, I thought I'd invite her for dinner." Little ninja says, still in that sweet voice.

"Right, of course, come in." Dad replies.

On our way inside, I give the little ninja a high five.



Kate's P.O.V.

"And we've arrived. Gideon, if you wouldn't mind camouflaging us as an alpine meadow, perhaps?" Grim Reaper asks the head when we land.

Sara is holding my hand again. It's kind of comforting and maybe I even like it. This ship really is making me soft...

"What are you complaining about now? It's not like we time-jumped." Lenny asks my brother, who is holding his head and groaning.

"I hate flying. Espacially in... whatever this thing is." He replies.

I guess it runs in the family.

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