17. My sister

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Sara's P.O.V.

"What are we doing back here?" Kate asks as we walk out of the Waverider. We're in Star City again.

"Savage has a timeship, courtesy of the Time Masters. The timeline is unclear, do to our destruction of the Oculus, meaning Savage is lost to history." Rip explains. "Which is why I brought you all home."

What? He's just going to leave us here and pretend like none of this ever hapenned? After everything we've done to save the future, it's just over?

Jax is thinking the same thing. "Mission's not over, man."

"Jax is right. We've lost Savage before. We'll find him again." Ray says.

"And then what? We have no way of killing Savage, particulary now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession, assuming that they're still alive, which is highly unlikely."

He has a point, but either way, we at least have to try.

Ray hates the idea too. "So that's it? We're just giving up?"

"I'm on my way to the refuge to retrieve our younger selves and return them to the timeline. It will be as if you never left." Rip tells us.

I can't believe this. "What, you think that we can just return to our old lives and then pretend like none of this ever hapenned?"

The moment I say something, I see Kate looking at the ground. I try to ignore it for now, we have bigger things to worry about. Like Rip just leaving us here.

"Mm, that might be a tad difficult. I had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016." He says.

Jax is, like everyone else here, getting angry at Rip. "Great, so what you're saying is for the last five months, my mom probably thinks that I'm dead. Thanks a lot, man."

"Okay, wait, why? Why the change of plans, Rip?" I ask.

He looks at the ground, but doesn't answer my question.

Mick speaks up. "If you're getting back on that ship, we get back on that ship."

He tries to tap Rip on the shoulder, but his hand goes right through him. Like a hologram...

"In truth, I never left it." Rip says. Then the ship starts taking off. "I'm sorry for all that I've asked of you, and that it all came to nothing. I wish you all well."

Then the hologram disappears and the ship flies away. "I never liked that guy." Kate says, walking away.

I want to go after her, but I decide against it. I should just leave her alone after what happened.

I'm not even sure what hapenned. I know she was willing to leave me for dead, I know she payed for it, I know she's sorry, I know she loves me and I know I don't deserve her love.

All right, I do know what hapenned.


I walk into the bunker. After all that happened, I can't wait to see everyone again. Dad, Laurel, Ollie...

But I don't see anyone. "Hello? Hello?"

I find dad in one of the chairs. "Dad. Hey. Hi daddy." I say walking up to him and hugging him.

"Baby. When'd you get back?" He asks me.

"I just got back. I tried calling, but nobody was answering. I was at Laurel's but she wasn't there. Where is everyone?"

Dad takes a deep breath. Like he's about to give me bad news. "This, uh, Damien Darhk, he's causing problems."

"Well, good to know nothing's changed in five months." I say. Hoping there is not actually bad news coming and I was just being paranoid.

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