13. Betrayel

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We run out of the room as fast as we can. We stay in the hallway for a while, enjoying the heat. Lenny comes to check up on us. "Katy, you alright?" Or just me...

"I'm fine." I say. It doesn't sound convincing, but I'm not dead, so Lenny doesn't push it.

I stand up, Sara is still sitting down so I hold out a hand for her. She smiles and takes it. I see Lenny has a knowing grin on his face, I ignore it.

"Where are Kendra and Ray?" Sara asks him.

"Cargo bay." He says. So that's where we go. In the cargo bay I see Birdgirl is holding Haircut, who is in his suit. "You kids need a moment?" Lenny asks.

They now notice us. "You okay?" Sara asks Haircut.

The head answers for him: "Mr. Palmer nearly died."

"Welcome to the club." I say. Then I look up to the seeling. "Head thing, what's happening on the Acheron?"

"For the last time, the name is Gideon. And I just received a message from your brother. It seems he escaped capture and is now returning to the Waverider." I have a bad feeling about this.

Lenny doesn't "I knew it. Those pirates picked the wrong guy to mess with."

We walk out, heading to where the jumpship will arrive. "Since when does Mick even know how to fly the jumpship?" Haircut asks.

"And how did he even find us?" Birdgirl adds. I keep growing more suspicious.

The head gives us some sort of explanation. "Actually, I did the flying. He received quite a beating at the hands of the pirates."

I don't know whether that's supposed to anger me, concern me or assure me everything is alright. I'm confused.

We hear the jumpship land. "That's him now." Head announces.

Chucky walks in. No sign of emotion, even less than usual. In this moment, I know something is wrong. "You okay, Chucky?" I ask, still hoping everything is alright.

He looks behind him. "Boys! Ship's all yours!" Behind him a bunch of evil timemaster's appear. Pointing guns at us.

"You son of a bitch." Haircut says. I can't blame him it.

"What are you doing, Chucky?" I ask, with a warning in my voice.

"Getting us home. You're coming with, right?"

I look behind me, at the team. At Sara. I come closer to my brother. "I don't wanna betray the team, Micky." I say. All the confidence and strength I gained in my life, completely gone. I sound like that 5 year old girl again, that doesn't want her daddy to hurt her.

He's quiet for what feels like forever. Then he says the thing I was so afraid he would say. "Bubblegum."


December 1985

I'm playing in the livingroom with Micky's old cars. Daddy is sitting in his chair with a beer, like always. Mommy is cooking Christmas dinner and my brother is gone. Probably out with some of his weird friends.

Then he walks in. He's grumpy. I wonder why. "Hey, little one." He says, picking me up and taking me upstairs. Daddy is too busy with his newspaper to notice.

He takes me to his room, puts me on his bed and then closes the door. "You ever had bubblegum?" He asks me.

I turn my head a bit, trying to remember what that is. It doesn't work. "What's bubblegum?"

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