chapter eleven

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"Yo, Roshaun is calling an emergency meeting. You need to be at the office as soon as possible." Ale announced over the phone. I groaned, getting out of bed and going to my closet to get dressed.

I chose out an all black outfit, fixing my hair in the mirror.

When I was done, I walked down to Kairi's room, seeing that he was already awake and texting one of his friends. "Get dressed, we're going to my office today. I have an important meeting."

"Okay, give me ten minutes." Kairi said, going into his bathroom. I watched as he walked away, his ass slightly jiggling as he walked. I shook the sexual thoughts out of my head, going down into the kitchen to grab some coffee.

I remembered not to give any to Kairi, so I prepared him hot chocolate instead. I also grabbed him a muffin and some fruit for breakfast.


I got dressed into some light wash mom jeans paired with a white graphic tshirt with a floral button up on top. I grabbed a dark green beanie, not wanting to do my hair. I wore my black and white vans and grabbed a black fanny pack, slinging it across my torso.

I checked my appearance in the mirror, fixing certain things before walking out of my room, going to meet Mattia.

"Finally, let's go." He says, handing me a to go cup and a container. I followed him to the car, getting into the passenger's seat after he opened the door for me.

We drove in silence, other than me playing old 1D songs on the aux.

When we got to Mattia's office, he told me not to talk or do anything to distract him while we were in the meeting.

I simply just nodded, following behind him as he opened the door to the conference room. There were more people than last time, and they were all staring right at me.

Oof. Awkward.

I sat down in the same chair as last time, looking down to avoid any eye contact with the men in the room.

"Why did you bring a kid with you?" A tall darkskin man asked, looking at me with a distasteful glare.

Uh, rude much.

"Hey, I'm not a kid!" I exclaimed, pouting as I crossed my arms. "Matti, tell him I'm not a kid." I said, tugging on Mattia's shirt.

"He's not a kid, Roshaun. He'll be 18 in a couple of months. And don't be an ass, know your place." Mattia spoke, causing the man to shut his mouth.

I looked at him, smirking and sticking my tongue out.

The man named Roshaun rolled his eyes at me, turning to Mattia.

"Anyways, this meeting wasn't to discuss the little boy who's suddenly following you around- I called you all here to give an update on the mission in Sicily." Roshaun said, grabbing a folder from the center of the table, sliding it over to Mattia.

Mattia raised a finger, turning to me. "Here put these on and watch tiktok. I'll tell you when you can take them off." He said handing me a pair of large headphones. I nodded, gladly putting them on.


Mattia opened the file, looking over at the images of his father. One was a picture taken of his father walking into a hotel, the next was a picture of his father talking to a grey haired man, and the last one was of his father boarding a plane.

"Where is he going?" Mattia asked, pointing to the photo of the plane.

"He's meeting some people in Spain before going back to Sicily. He's planning something, we just dont know what yet." Roshaun answers, taking back the folder.

"Go down there and find me this man in the picture. Do whatever it takes for him to tell you what my dad is planning. Then kill him." Mattia says, emotionless.

Roshaun nods, typing something into his phone.

"Everyone else, I want you all working on the second target. She's the one we should be worried about the most. I want her found and executed asap." Mattia instructed to the rest of the team. They all nodded, insuring him that they'd do what he asked.

"Good, now go. You're all dismissed."

Everyone began leaving one by one. There was only Mattia, Alejandro and Kairi left in the room.

"Isn't dangerous bringing him around here? We can't risk him finding out who we are." Ale spoke, nodding towards Kairi who was slumped into a chair watching his phone screen intensely.

"Even if he found out, he wouldn't do shit about it. He does anything to please me." Mattia answered looking down at Kairi with an unreadable expression.

"He's gonna fall in love with you, ya know? Save him the heartbreak, and save yourself the guilt." Alejandro warned, watching as Mattia looked down at Kairi.

"You talk too much, monkey."


literally idek what this chapter is.

i wrote while my mom was braiding my hair and she was pulling it so hard i think i lost brain cells.

anyways, my brother ran me over with his bike and now i'm bleeding out (:

enjoy, pigeons 💛💙

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