chapter twenty one

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"Sorry I took so long, I got caught up." Mattia said as he entered my hotel room. He was dressed differently than when he left and it smelled like he had taken a shower.

"Mm." I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, or even pretend like I wasn't upset. I just gave him a quick glance, and turned my attention back to my phone.

Mattia came to sit on the bed, looking down at me. I focused solely on my phone, not paying him any attention as I scrolled through tiktok.


I continued looking through my for you page, not even acknowledging him.


Mattia's hand moved to my thigh, rubbing circles on it.

"Baby, talk to me." He spoke softly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to give my attention to my phone.

"Don't fucking ignore me." Mattia says, gripping my jaw as he roughly turns my face towards him.

I whimper, looking at him with wide eyes.

"When I speak to you, you answer. Don't do  that shit again or I'll make sure that your mouth is too full to talk." He says, his eyes glaring down at me.

"Understand?" He asks, tilting my head up.

I nod, suppressing my whines that threatened to leave my mouth.

"Words, Kairi." He demands, still holding my face.

"Y- yes."

Mattia gives me a pointed look, raising a brow.

"Yes, daddy." I say, my voice extremely shaky.

"Good, now get dressed. I'm taking you out."


Mattia waited for me as I took a shower and got ready.

I wore a white turtleneck, with a beige and light brown sweater vest. I paired the outfit with beige cargo pants and white converse. I decided against wearing a beanie, and took some time to brush my hair.

I applied some chapstick, and made sure that I looked presentable. Mattia was waiting for me on the bed, looking down at my phone.

"You know Kai, you have a lot of guys numbers in your phone." Mattia said, standing up.

"They're my friends." I say, taking my phone and putting it in my pocket.

"Yeah, we're going to have to change that. I deleted their numbers." He announced, unlocking the door.

"You did what?" I exclaimed, looking at him as if he were crazy. Which I'm starting to believe he is.

"I don't like the idea of you talking to other men. You're only for me." Mattia replied, wrapping an arm around my waist.


"Don't talk back. Now, let's go." He leads me to a car, us getting into the back seats.
Mattia says something to the driver in Italian, then we take off.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking out the window at the beautiful scenery.

"I'm taking you on a date. You haven't left the hotel since we arrived and I felt bad." Mattia answered, caressing my thigh.

We drove for a while, before arriving at an expensive looking restaurant. Mattia thanked the driver, getting out to open my door for me. I smiled, wrapped my small hand around his arm as we entered the restaurant.

"Polibio." He said to the woman at the front desk. Her eyes widened, nodding quickly. We followed her to a private area. In the center there was a table for two. The lights were dimmed and candles decorated the area. We sat down, looking over the menus as the waiter stood by the table, waiting for us to decide on a meal.

"Psst, Matt." I whispered, leaning forward as we connected eyes.

"What's wrong, my love. Do you not like your options?" Mattia asked, a concerned look on his face.

"Its not that... it's just, the menu is in Italian. I don't understand it, can you pick something for me." I mumbled, biting my lip nervously.

Mattia smiled, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb. "Of course, Kai."

He spoke to the waiter, telling him something that I didn't understand.

The man walked off, Mattia turning back to me.



The pair was so caught up in conversation, that they hadn't noticed someone watching them.

A flash of long hair, walked into the restaurant passing by the hosts and hostesses sneakily.

The woman made her way to the back, where Kairi and Mattia were laughing and enjoying their meals.

She crouched down, hiding behind the empty bar, getting a clear view of the couple's table.

"Perfect." She muttered, pulling her pistol out of her red trench coat. She cocked the gun, aiming at her target.


The loud noise caused everyone in the restaurant to run wild. They hid under tables for cover and some even ran to the door, trying to save themselves.

Mattia was caught off guard, having to act quickly. He pulled Kairi by the arm, ducking under the table. Mattia looked down, seeing blood on the floor and on his hands.

I'm not hurt. He thought looking down in confusion.

He looked at Kairi, noticing how the other was bleeding out at the side of his stomach.

He had been the one who got shot.


el oh el.

i am craving nachos rn...

enjoy, fish sticks 🙃💕

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