Part 2

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Chapter 2

    I look at her, helplessly crying, afraid, alone, but she isn't. I slowly wrap my arms around her and say, "I'm here, It's ok." She looks at me, and- she hugs me back. I'm surprised, yet, I'm glad, she finally reciprocates something. Although, I know I haven't won yet. She's just weak. She's refused to sleep, only eaten and drinken barley anything, and I know she's emotional. But I am one step closer to my goal, getting her to like me like I love her. It might take weeks, months even, but I won't give up. She suddenly gets up and looks at her hands as if they're possessed. Then, she looks at me, and defiantly sits in the opposite corner. She's a feisty thing, thats one thing I love about her, but nothing I cant handle.

    She doesn't cry, this time, she just looks down at the floor with- embarrassment maybe? Then she quickly covers her face. I have no idea what she's thinking, but i'll just give her space, she doen't want to see me right now. I can tell. So I just grab a candy bar and eat, while looking at the once sad, now frigid ball of a girl- a scared- sad- upset- embarrassed- girl. It's almost sad, she finally takes her head up, red with tears and anger. "Why are you staring at me!?" She schnapps. "Do you find this entertaining? Huh?!" Then she just turns around and faces the wall.

"Why would I find you're pain funny?" I ask. She turns and walks over to me, in an attempt to "tower" over me. "Hmm let me think-" she retorts, "oh yea- maybe because you killed 8 people and apparently, it doesn't phase you!" She yells at me. Then she stomps back to her corner. I must admit her little attempts to scare me are a little cute. I hear her huff and mumble something to herself. I silently chuckle, and pick up a piece of paper lying under a shelf and pull out a pencil from my pocket, and start scribbling.

                Chapter 3

     I hear scribbling noises coming from the other side of the room, I turn around and see Lawrence intently scribbling on a piece of paper. I can't tell if he's writing or drawing- My curiosity gets the best of me and I ask, "What are you doing?" He glances at me and says, "Oh nothing" as he continues to scribble. Ok- i'm 90% sure he's drawing something. I didn't know he could draw... I get up, walk over to him, and look over at his paper in an attempt to see what he's doing. He grins, gets up, folds the paper, and puts it in his pocket. "Uh uh uh- finders keepers" he says. "But you drew something on it." I reply. He languages as he tells me, "It's not for nosey people". He continues chuckling as I huff and cross my arms.

    "Don't pout" he says. I feel my face flush, "I am not pouting!" I argue. He laughs even louder and responds, "Well if that isn't pouting than I don't know what is." I can't stop my smile. He looks at me and even though he already has a big goofy smile, his smile gets bigger. "There's a smile!" He expresses. "I've missed this part of you- Marissa." My brain explodes as I realize what I've done. I smiled. For him! I'm- I'M BREAKING! I sit down again and force a frown on my face. "Aww, you don't have to hide yourself from me Marissa." He tells me. "I love it when you smile." Ugh- his "kindness" is so infuriating! "You're really infuriating, you know." I mumble. He sighs, "Why?". "I don't know- maybe because your so manipulative?!".

     "I didn't think teasing you a bit would be manipulative." He replies. "No. You know what i'm talking about, you're too smart to be playing dumb." I state. "So I'm smart?" He asks grinning. "No!" I exclaim. "You just said I was smart- so how about you don't play dumb." He asserts. "You're twisting my words!" I yell, "stop changing the subject!" "I'm just stating a fact, your building on it." he replies. "STOP IT!!" I yell, even louder this time. He quickly walks over and covers my mouth with his hands. Is this where it ends? "Shhhh we might be far- but if you scream this loud you might attract zombies." He asserts.

    I mean- he's not wrong, I got a little carried away. "I got a bit carried away- sorry." I apologize. "It's alright" he says. His voice is- somewhat calming. No. No no no. Stop thinking about him! He's only a few inches away from me, It's awkward- to be honest. I look up at him as he smiles.

     "If you're going to hug me, do it quickly." I retort. He accepts the invitation and hugs me, lifting me off the floor due to me being about 6 inches shorter than him. His hug is warm, and kinda comforting. I hug him back. After a few seconds, he puts me down gently. "Thanks." He says. I feel my face flush as I go back to my corner and sit down.

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